Surya Kasturi
Surya Kasturi
Reference: Image upload data validated with `django.forms.ImageField` uses `PIL` which also recognises `x-` file mimetypes. However, `scipy_central.submission.views.get_display()` does not.
Current authentication system uses basic django sessions framework to remember login actions. This creates `sessionid` cookie in the local browser which upon stealing can be used on any other computer...
If a user is posting many submissions within a short duration (say 10 mins, 20 mins), they must be either moderated by admins or stopped from posting until the time...
`scipy_central.tagging.views.get_and_create_tags` method should use `commit=False` as default to create objects and let it store in database after submission is successful
Deprecate SubmissionManager.create_without_commit(), RevisionManager.create_without_commit() methods
`submission.models.SubmissionManager.create_without_commit()` and `submission.models.RevisionManager.create_without_commit()` methods are no longer used. Reference code to deprecate:
The stored repository upon a submission stores restructuredtext of description as `DESCRIPTION.txt`. It does not store any images included in description during the submission. So, if a user compiles the...
If two users are simultaneously editing a submission, the current system can't provide a mechanism to correctly handle the situation. There is a possibility of happening the below 1. While...
The repository interfaces is basically done using `scipy_central.filestorage.dvcs_wrapper` which uses command line interfaces. This interface can be easily replaced with external (3rd party) libraries which are quite good that of...
Given a submission, users should have a choice to follow (via email or notification in account etc), Star them (to add to a personal list of submissions).
Setup a feature that helps automatically prevent Denial of Service Attacks