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embedded-redis copied to clipboard

Please release latest version with Executor Service fix

Open ankitcha opened this issue 8 years ago • 4 comments

ankitcha avatar Sep 24 '15 20:09 ankitcha

Can you provide further information?

loyalsound avatar Nov 23 '15 03:11 loyalsound

Forgot my comment. I already walking through all issues and see a problem with Executor Service. This problem prevent my Spring Boot app to destroy JVM, even when the ApplicationContext has been stopped. +1 for latest release

loyalsound avatar Nov 23 '15 04:11 loyalsound

+1 for a release of the latest code

mlaflamm avatar Dec 13 '16 21:12 mlaflamm

Can we have a release please. I'm really interested because the master is cleaning the ExecutorService: https://github.com/kstyrc/embedded-redis/blob/master/src/main/java/redis/embedded/AbstractRedisInstance.java#L83

ptahchiev avatar Jan 03 '20 16:01 ptahchiev