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Disassembler: Incorrect disassembly of mnemonics
In 68020 mode, and maybe others too, the assemble is incorrectly disassembling some instructions. Using as an example the following code in ROM, the assembler reports the assembled code as:
F00:0330 MOVE.L #vector_table, A0 ; Destination address
F00:0331 MOVE.L #bios_address, A1 ; Source address
S03:FFFFFFFFFFFF0202: 22 7C FF FF 00 00
F00:0332 MOVE.W #$3F, D0 ; Number of system vectors minus one
S03:FFFFFFFFFFFF0208: 30 3C 00 3F
F00:0333 init_sysvectors
F00:0334 MOVE.L (A1)+, (A0)+ ; Move data
F00:0335 DBF D0, init_sysvectors
F00:0336 ; Set all user vectors to 'Unknown Exception' handler
F00:0337 MOVE.W #$BF, D0 ; Number of user vectors minus one
S03:FFFFFFFFFFFF0212: 30 3C 00 BF
F00:0338 init_uservectors
F00:0339 MOVE.L #unknown_exception, (A0)+ ; Move data
S03:FFFFFFFFFFFF0216: 20 FC FF FF 07 34
F00:0340 DBF D0, init_uservectors
F00:0342 MOVE.W #$3F, D0 ; Number of words minus one
S03:FFFFFFFFFFFF0220: 30 3C 00 3F
In each case the generated output is on the line immediately after the line being assembled. This is written to an ROM being emulated in an emulator with the corresponding section of the ROM having the following hexdump:
00000200 - 91 C8 22 7C FF FF 00 00 30 3C 00 3F 20 D9 51 C8 .."|....0<.? .Q.
00000210 - FF FC 30 3C 00 BF 20 FC FF FF 07 34 51 C8 FF F8 ..0<.. ....4Q...
00000220 - 30 3C 00 3F
The m68kdasm module disassembles this as:
FFFF0200: dc.w $00c8; ILLEGAL
FFFF0202: ori #$ff, SR
FFFF0206: ori.b #$3c, D0
FFFF020A: dc.w $003f; ILLEGAL
FFFF020C: dc.w $00d9; ILLEGAL
FFFF020E: dc.w $00c8; ILLEGAL
FFFF0210: dc.w $00fc; ILLEGAL
FFFF0212: ori #$bf, CCR
FFFF0216: dc.w $00fc; ILLEGAL
FFFF0218: dc.w $00ff; ILLEGAL
FFFF021A: ori.b #$c8, (-$8,A4,D0.w)
FFFF0220: ori #$3f, CCR
There is some similarity suggesting it is looking at the right region in memory but seems to be getting the instruction mnemonics completely wrong.
On tracing what is happening with gdb I came upon this:
m68k_disassemble (str_buff=0x7fffffffe10a "", pc=pc@entry=4294902272,
cpu_type=cpu_type@entry=4) at musahi/m68kdasm.c:3482
3482 g_cpu_ir = read_imm_16();
(gdb) s
dasm_read_imm_16 (advance=2) at musahi/m68kdasm.c:273
273 result = m68k_read_disassembler_16(g_cpu_pc & g_address_mask) & 0xff;
So this is correctly reading a 16bit opcode from memory but is then discarding the most significant byte. That means for any opode with a non-zero most significant byte the wrong mnemonics will be reported.
Applying the attached patch corrects this and gives the following output for the same section of code:
FFFF0200: suba.l A0, A0
FFFF0202: movea.l #$ffff0000, A1
FFFF0208: move.w #$3f, D0
FFFF020C: move.l (A1)+, (A0)+
FFFF020E: dbra D0, $ffff020c
FFFF0212: move.w #$bf, D0
FFFF0216: move.l #$ffff0734, (A0)+
FFFF021C: dbra D0, $ffff0216
FFFF0220: move.w #$3f, D0
FFFF0224: movea.w #$400, A0
FFFF0228: movea.l #$ffff0100, A1
FFFF022E: move.l (A1)+, (A0)+
This is an improvment, the the first instruction still appears incorrect. m68k_dmasm_patch1.txt
On checking the 68000 programmer's reference it seems the first instruction being disassembled as sub.l A0, A0
is correct. The address 'vector_table' in the instruction as presented to the assembler is zero and the assembler has optimised this to the subtract instead.