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A curated list of awesome Gradle plugins and resources for a better development workflow automation.

Awesome Gradle

A curated list of awesome Gradle plugins and resources for a better development workflow automation.

Inspired by the awesome, awesome-gulp and some other awesome lists.

Table of contents

  • Plugins
    • Language
    • Code quality
    • Code generation
    • Java application development
    • Web application development
    • Android application development
    • iOS and Mac application development
    • Editor and IDE integration
    • Templating
    • Database
    • Dependency management
    • Debugging
    • Testing
    • Building
    • Packaging
    • Releasing
    • Notification
    • Cloud services
    • SCM
    • CI
    • VM and container
  • Boilerplates
  • Resources
    • General Resources
    • Official Documentation


Notice: in the following descriptions, "Official plugin" means that it's provided as a builtin plugin by Gradle.


  • java - Official plugin that adds Java compilation, testing and bundling capabilities.
  • groovy - Official plugin that adds support for building Groovy projects.
  • scala - Official plugin that adds support for building Scala projects.
  • antlr - Official plugin that adds support for generating parsers using Antlr.
  • assembler - Official plugin that adds native assembly language capabilities to a project.
  • c - Official plugin that adds C source compilation capabilities to a project.
  • cpp - Official plugin that adds C++ source compilation capabilities to a project.
  • objective-c - Official plugin that adds Objective-C source compilation capabilities to a project.
  • objective-cpp - Official plugin that adds Objective-C++ source compilation capabilities to a project.
  • gradle-retrolambda - Get Java lambda support in Java 6, 7 and Android.
  • clojurephant - Clojure/ClojureScript support for Gradle

Code quality

Code generation

Java application development

Web application development

Android application development

iOS and Mac application development

Editor and IDE integration



Dependency management




  • build-time-tracker-plugin - Continuously track and report your build times.
  • gradle-metrics-plugin - Collect Gradle build metrics and persist them to an external datastore.
  • nebula-plugin - A collection of Gradle plugins providing repeatable builds, immutable deployments and helping eliminate boilerplate code.




  • announce - Official plugin that publishes messages to platforms such as Twitter or Growl.
  • gradle-slack-plugin - Send messages to Slack after each build.

Cloud services



  • build-info - Artifactory's open integration layer for the CI servers and build tools.

VM and container



General Resources

Official Documentation


Contributions welcome! Read the contribution guidelines first.



To the extent possible under law, Soichiro Kashima has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.