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Improvement suggestion sent to APS
Hi all FYI, I have sent this mail to APSystem, hopping they will improve the local web site on ECU-C to read more frequently and easily last Produced/Consumed Power from CT Clamp. Hopping this does not interfere with ksheumaker action plans, otherwise sorry for that. BR
Hello Please forward this mail to the R&D department or Product Improvement department of DS3/ECU-C products.
I am an IT engineer and I have 18 DS3 inverters and an ECU-C with two CT clamps, all supervised by Home Assistant. I can understand that for the DS3 production readings you limit the refresh period to 5 minutes (many inverters connected in Zigbee which is not very quick), but for the clamps I do not see why you do not lower this period to one minute as it is a simple Analog to Digital conversion. This would would allow me/Home Assistant to adjust more quickly my consumption in case of production drop or increase. In addition, it would be good to have in the local APSystem web application in the Advanced/Power page, directly the 9 values :Produced A/B/C, Consumed A/B/C and Imported A/B/C provided by the clamps in addition to the curve. This would allow Home Assistant to simply read these values (by web scraping for example) rather than having to look for the last points in the curves. I hope I have been clear in my requests and that you will respond favorably as part of the continuous improvement of your products and services. Do not hesitate to contact me if necessary. Kind regards