The CMakeList has been updated to check for ragel and give an error if not found. the only other odd dependency is lemon and that only runs if it's found....
When I was working on linux port, I did this: ``` #if RL_READLINE_VERSION == 0x0402 /* actually libedit */ rl_completion_entry_function = (Function *)mpw_completion_entry_function; #else /* gnu readline, I presume */...
Thanks. It will be fixed in the next update (which should be in a couple weeks).
* Keypad enter generates a `$0d` key code. * Keypad Clear generates a `$1b` key code. * (in both cases the keypad is set. shift/option/etc modifiers should work as well)...
Apple IIgs, ROM 1, original keyboard (the ADB code to key code translation is handled by the ADB glu code which differs between ROM versions. Modifier bits always reflect shift/ctrl/etc...
I just noticed, numpad clear isn't escape (`$1b` / 27), it's cancel (`$18` / 24). MAME with ADB emulation seems to get everything correct (or will ; there's a mapping...
Also, the arrow keys (`$7b`-`$7e`) the Macintosh Toolbox diagram are a lie :) The actual ADB codes are `$3b`-`$3e` but the macintosh software remaps them to `$7b`-`$7e` before giving them...
This seems to be fixed with the updated plan9 cpp (#26)
So everything is really 16-bits? ... run `ops c=2 s=2 i=2 l=2 h=2 f=2 d=2 x=2 p=2` to generate the proper `%term` statements for the lburg file and update the...
You can run `rcc -target=symbolic -charmetric=2,2,2 -longmetric=2,2,2 -ptrmetric=2,2,2` to get a sense for what happens if you just give them that size. (`rcc` is the compiler that runs after the...