acme-nginx copied to clipboard
ERROR - Unable to locate credentials
I'm trying to run:
acme-nginx --no-reload-nginx --dns-provider route53 -d "*.<domain-name>.com"
And then, it does not succeed with following message:
INFO - creating TXT dns record _acme-challenge.<domain-name>.com IN TXT <value>
ERROR - error creating dns record
ERROR - Unable to locate credentials
I'm running it on Amazon Linux.
I am also getting the same exception. I am running in Fargate cluster. I have attached the Task Execution and Task Role to the container and given route53 permissions. It's looking for default profile which is not present. Ideally it should pick it up from the task roles. Instead of boto3 session, just use boto3.client
Thanks for reporting, i will have a look. Tested only locally with environment variables.
I have resolved it. When I was running the command from crontab, aws credentials in the environment variable are not retained. I found a way to extract the credentials via api call and export them into environment variable. After that, command is working fine.
I exported my AWS creds into my environment variable still facing the same issue.