tf-estimator-tutorials copied to clipboard
This repository includes tutorials on how to use the TensorFlow estimator APIs to perform various ML tasks, in a systematic and standardised way.
TensorFlow Estimator APIs Tutorials - TensorFlow v1.4
The tutorials use the TF estimator APIs to cover:
Various ML tasks, currently covering:
- Classification
- Regression
- Clustering (k-means)
- Time-series Analysis (AR Models)
- Dimensionality Reduction (Autoencoding)
- Sequence Models (RNN and LSTMs)
- Image Analysis (CNN for Image Classification)
- Text Analysis (Text Classification with embeddings, CNN, and RNN)
How to use canned estimators to train ML models.
How to implement custom estimators (model_fn & EstimatorSpec).
A standard metadata-driven approach to build the model feature_column(s) including:
- numerical features
- categorical features with vocabulary,
- categorical features hash bucket, and
- categorical features with identity
Data input pipelines (input_fn) using:
- tf.estimator.inputs.pandas_input_fn,
- tf.train.string_input_producer, and
- APIs to read both .csv and .tfrecords (tf.example) data files
- tf.contrib.timeseries.RandomWindowInputFn and WholeDatasetInputFn for time-series data
- Feature preprocessing and creation as part of reading data (input_fn), for example, sin, sqrt, polynomial expansion, fourier transform, log, boolean comparisons, euclidean distance, custom formulas, etc.
A standard approach to prepare wide (sparse) and deep (dense) feature_column(s) for Wide and Deep DNN Liner Combined Models
The use of normalizer_fn in numeric_column() to scale the numeric features using pre-computed statistics (for Min-Max or Standard scaling)
The use of weight_column in the canned estimators, and in the loss metric in custom estimators.
Implicit Feature Engineering as part of defining feature_colum(s), including:
- crossing,
- clipping,
- embedding,
- indicators (encoding categorical features), and
- bucketization
- How to use the tf.contrib.learn.experiment APIs to train, evaluate, and export models
Howe to use the tf.estimator.train_and_evaluate function (along with trainSpec & evalSpec) train, evaluate, and export models
How to use tf.train.exponential_decay function as a learning rate scheduler
How to serve exported model (export_savedmodel) using csv and json inputs
Coming Soon:
- Early-stopping implementation
- DynamicRnnEstimator and the use of variable-length sequences
- Collaborative Filtering for Recommendation Models
- Text Analysis (Topic Models, Word/Doc embedding, etc.)
- tf.Transform to preprocessing and feature engineering
- keras examples