Whatever your application does, it should be able to restore things back. When I turned on testing I had opened the msstyle I actually use for my Windows, but I...
Thank you, it worked. I could only change the font of the taskbar, control panel and the date/time area (string 502). Maybe some other things were affected too but I...
You're right, what I checked was the dlls of the theme I use (AeroByDesign) and they don't have strings, while the standard msstyles do have the same list of fonts.
One more note; ResHack and your application have different string ids, they differ by 1. For example, in ResHack "Segoe UI, 12, Quality:ClearType" has id 503 and your app has...
Thanks, great. I have completed my big work of elaborating Windows styles, yet the fix is good anyway for the future.