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Sourcery can't find classes inheriting from a generic class
Hi, I'm attempting to list all the UIViewControllers of an app. Using the following stencil and sample classes, I managed to get some of them, but I'm am facing some limitations.
I am using the latest sourcery version as of now (0.17.0).
let sourceryClasses =
[{% for type in types.based.UIViewController %}
"{{}}"{% if not forloop.last %},{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
class BaseViewController: UIViewController { }
class SubclassedBaseViewController: BaseViewController { }
class GenericBaseViewController<T: Equatable>: UIViewController { }
class SubclassedGenericBaseViewController: GenericBaseViewController<String> { }
The result here is
let sourceryClasses =
As you can see, the last class is missing. How come?