Krystian Guliński

Results 26 issues of Krystian Guliński

not sure if a bug or a missing import noticed on 1.8.0 version ```julia │┌ istagwrong(api::GitForge.Bitbucket.BitbucketAPI, repo::GitForge.Bitbucket.Repo, tag::AbstractString, commit::AbstractString) @ Registrator.WebUI /home/krynju/.julia/packages/Registrator/u5E5c/src/webui/gitutils.jl:497 ││ `Registrator.WebUI.paginate` is not defined: Registrator.WebUI.paginate((Registrator.WebUI.provider(repo::GitForge.Bitbucket.Repo)::Registrator.WebUI.Provider).client::GitForge.Forge, Registrator.WebUI.get_tags, ((repo::GitForge.Bitbucket.Repo).workspace::Union{Nothing,...

In case of the linked issue the Connection's IO is open, so it logs as Error, even though it should be ignored. I'm not sure if any other case requires...

This is the common case where a connection is established but then client drops Very noisy in logs and there's no way to filter this reasonably without using `LogginExtras.withlevel` (which...

This showed up on process exit and looks pretty weird This is on Julia 1.6.5 with 2 threads and this `/Downloads/src/Curl/Multi.jl:98` line corresponds to this close here It's very...

Appears sometimes when process exits ``` IOError: unlink("/home/krynju/.mempool/sess-utvz1V-1/h2x1LD/jl_N2bctMjqbi"): no such file or directory (ENOENT) Stacktrace: [1] uv_error @ ./libuv.jl:97 [inlined] [2] unlink(p::String) @ Base.Filesystem ./file.jl:972 [3] rm(path::String; force::Bool, recursive::Bool) @...


Leaving this here as it's the first time I see this - it continued computing the result afterwards, but on one worker only Super rare ```julia @@@ STARTED: innerjoin_r_unique :...

Tables.jl interface: - [x] DTable as a source - [x] DTable constructors utilizing the interface better if possible - check what is possible and what can be improved - [x]...

good first issue
help wanted
table interface

Failure on a simple DTable create and reduce with caching on (without caching it doesn't appear) Processes: 3 Threads: 2 Caching: on Platform: linux, but observed elsewhere (mac & windows)...

Currently DTables implements a join method for any tables.jl compatible type The problem is that DTables.jl shouldn't export it as it is not the goal of the package to provide...