trecognizer icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
trecognizer copied to clipboard

Using neural evolution of augmenting topologies developed a program based on computer vision for recognizing traffic lights in real time environment.

Traffic light Recgnizer

Using neural evolution of augmenting topologies developed a program
based on computer vision for recognizing traffic lights.


  1. Make sure Python 3+ is installed.
  2. Clone this repodotory :
    $ git clone
  1. Change Directory :
    $ cd trecognizer
  1. Install requirements
    $ pip install requirements.txt
  1. Run the program:
    $ python <data folder path>

Example :

    $ python data

Feel free to follow along the code provided along with mentioned comments for
better understanding of the project, if any issues feel free to reach me out.


Contributions are welcome!
Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.