Kevin Rowlandson
Kevin Rowlandson
Thank you for logging this request @roblongdon-contino and awaiting our response. This is actually a hot topic currently and we are discussing this in the background already but are yet...
Pinning this issue for better visibility as this is a common ask.
**ACTION**: Include documentation on how to change resource names in update
Trigger ADO Sync
As discussed offline @DevSecNinja, I have moved this issue to the Enterprise-Scale repository as such changes would require a review at the broader architectural level rather than that of an...
Thank you for logging this request. Because this module is designed around the recommended ALZ architecture and design patterns, we only support a central Log Analytics workspace. However you can...
- Linking this issue to #392 as this will make it easier to understand how to implement just the Management resources at different scopes - Worth noting that at this...
Trigger ADO Sync
Hi @manfred0191... my belief is that this will require a complete re-design of the resource naming convention within the module. This would have a major impact on users so we...
Trigger ADO Sync