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Explore the farthest reaches of Human Space in this open-world space adventure.

Results 8 TranscendenceDev issues
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IMO, desaturated hull color in the hull HUD makes it harder to see the hull display graphic as well as setting proper colors. Using the rgb color as is would...

- [x] Rename all occurrences of ship "counter" to "heat" and remove all occurrences of "counter" being referred to as "energy" including weapons that "consume" energy, or HUD display showing...

- ~~Add ability to install devices to device slots by ID~~ - Enable "force install to device slot" option in ~~`shpInstallDevice`~~ `objCanInstallItem` to check installation of items to device slots...

This is done via a new xml attribute `MAX_SWIVEL_PER_TICK_ATTRIB` in `CWeaponClass` which allows us to specify the max number of degrees a gun can aim while firing in a single...

Picking a build system that can work on all operating systems would be a first step in the direction of making Transcendence cross-platform.

This is WIP, many things are broken but I'd like to know if this is a good enough idea/worth it to pursue it futher. The idea is simple: use linear...