qml-utils copied to clipboard
A collection of QML utilities and snippets
Intelligent update of the elements (without destroying everything each time the model is updated). You have to specify which is the unique identifier of the element : 'propId' of the...
Just by changing qml load method. engine.load(QUrl(QStringLiteral("qrc:/JSONListModel/Example.qml"))); model result get null Any suggestion ?
not works: JSONListModel { json:'{"response":[5,467,2943,4424,13033]}' query: '$.response[*]' } with error: QML ListModel: append: value is not an object
Hi ``` QML I'm trying to map this model: ListModel { id: nestedModel ListElement { category: "Nintendo" collapsed: true // A ListElement can't contain child elements, but it can contain...
Hello, I have this code : ``` Page { title: i18n.tr("Index") ListView { id: redditList JSONListModel { id: redditFeed source: "http://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntufr/hot.json" query: "$.data.children[*]" } model: redditFeed.model delegate: ListItem.Subtitled { iconSource:...
Your model have different api with XmlListModel. To be more simmilar "model: jsonModel1.model" must be replaced by "model: jsonModel1", remove 'model' variable from delegated item and add roles for paths.