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Awesome resources about Security in Kubernetes
Kubernetes Security Checklist
Table of Contents
- Kubernetes Infrastructure
- Kubernetes Security Features
- Kubernetes Authorization - RBAC
- Kubernetes Pod Security
- Kubernetes Secrets
- Kubernetes Networking
- Kubernetes Supply Chain Security
- Common attacks
- Kubernetes Security Tools
- Kubernetes Security Guides
- Further reading
- Collaborate
Kubernetes Infrastructure
✅ Limiting access to the Kubernetes API server except from trusted networks.
- Limit access to Network API Server (Control plane)
- Limit access to Network Nodes
Ports and Protocols - kubernetes official doc
✅ Limiting access to Kubernetes Cloud Provider API. Apply the least privilege in the Authorization IAM.
✅ Limiting access to etcd
- Apply etcd Encryption
- Use TLS communication
- is ETCD access limited to control plane?
✅ Apply host security benchmark: OpenSCAP, OVAL. Validate if your hosts are following the CIS benchmark.
✅ Updates and patches
- Update the kubernetes version with the fixed bugs
✅ Certs: SSL/TLS for your Kubernetes Cluster
- Automated issuance and renewal of certificates to secure Ingress with TLS
- Secure pod-to pod communication with mTLS using private PKI Issuers
- Supports certificate use cases for web facing and internal workloads
cert-manager is a X.509 certificate controller for Kubernetes and OpenShift workloads.
Manage TLS Certificates in a Cluster - Kubernetes official doc
Kubernetes Security Features
- ✅ Authorization: RBAC
- ✅ Authentication: SSO
- ✅ Secrets management
- ✅ Pod Security policy
- ✅ Network policy
- ✅ Observability: Auditing API server
Kubernetes Authorization - RBAC
✅ Role-based Access Control - RBAC
- Follow the principle of least privilege
- Workload identity in Cloud providers: Employ workload identity to tie RBAC to the cloud provider’s authentication mechanism.
- Avoid admin-level access in the cluster
- AquaSecurity/kubectl-who-can. Show who has RBAC permissions to perform actions on different resources in Kubernetes.
- FairwindsOps/rbac-manager. This is an operator that supports declarative configuration for RBAC with new custom resources.
Kubernetes RBAC: Asking for Forgiveness or Getting Permission
Privilege Escalation from Node/Proxy Rights in Kubernetes RBAC
Kubernetes RBAC: How to Avoid Privilege Escalation via Certificate Signing
Kubernetes Pod Security
- ✅ Pod security standards: Restricted, Baseline and Privileged.
- ✅ Configure a Security context for a pod or container.
- ✅ Container runtime with stronger isolation
Kubernetes Secrets
- ✅ Encrypt all your secrets
- Mozilla's SOPS
- Key Management stores in the Cloud Providers
Kubernetes Network Security
when’s the last time anyone discovered a sophisticated attack from a packet capture (PCAP) in Kubernetes?
- ✅ Network Policy
- Use nano segmentation
- Use network policy: manage cluster ingress and egress
Kubernetes Supply Chain Security
- ✅ Enforce image trust with Image signing
- Image signing: Container Signing, Verification and Storage in an OCI registry.
- Cosign vs Notary by Rewanth
- ✅ Enabled Kubernetes Admission controllers to verify the image integrity.
Kubernetes Thread Matrix
Common Attacks
Abuse credentials: RBAC, service accounts system:masters
Poisoned Images / Malicious Images in the registry
- Supply chain mitigation: Secure Ci/CD env, Image assurance, Image signing
Privileged Escalation – Breaking out of the Container: Excessive capabiiities such as CAP_SYS_ADMIN, CAP_NET_ADMIN, CAP_SYS_PTRACE
- Escape to Host- Kubernetes Privilege Pod application
- writable hostPath mount: Avoid with misconfigurations k8s tools
- CVE-2022-0185: Kubernetes Container Escape Using Linux Kernel Exploit
- Escape to Host- Kubernetes Privilege Pod application
Backdoor container - Persistence: capture the contents of the service account token mounted in the container
- Doki Malware
- Used secret management for your application data.
Laterally moving within the cluster, Network scanning: Avoid with network policy or network segmentation.
Misconfigured Kubelet API: Avoid with Kubernetes hardening tools.
- Set to false the
flag in the kubelet component. - Hildegard Malware
- Set to false the
Application exploit (RCE, SSRF, XXE, etc.)
Reverse Shell: Remote code execution (RCE) that opens a reverse shell connection to a suspicious domain that the attacker is listening.
The workload wasn’t restricted by the container runtime and has overly permissive Linux capabilities that enables the attacker to mount in the /etc/kubernetes/manifests directory from the host into the container. The attacker then drops a privileged pod manifest in kubelet’s manifest directory. The attacker now has a high-availability, kubelet-managed backdoor into the cluster that supersedes any IAM (identity and access management) or RBAC policies.
Fileless attacks in containers
SSRF attacks to the Kubernetes API server
Denial of Service (DoS) or a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS): Avoid with misconfigurations k8s tools
- ✅ Limit the resources (CPU, memory) in the pods
- Goldilocks - identify a starting point for resource requests and limits.
- ✅ Limit the resources (CPU, memory) using Quotes by namespace/cluster.
- ✅ Set limits about traffic in the ingress policy. You can set limits on the number of concurrent connections, the number of requests per second, minute, or hour; the size of request bodies.
- ✅ Limit the resources (CPU, memory) in the pods
Fork bomb: Avoid with misconfigurations k8s toolss
Policy as a code
OPA allows users to set policies across infrastructure and applications.
- Standard policies.
- Organization-specific policies
- Environment-specific policies
Some controls examples: • Which registries images can be downloaded from • Which OS capabilities a container can execute with • Which namespaces are allowed to run sensitive workloads • Labels that must be specified for certain resources • Disallowing deprecated or dangerous resource types • Enforcing naming schemes or internal standards
Integrates shift-left Kubernetes Security
Run security validation checks in your CI/CD pipeline. Check the manifest written in in Yaml, Terraform, etc
- [x] IaC and automation reduce human error by creating predictable results
Kubernetes Reliability Best Practices
- Simplicity vs Complexity
- Service delivery vs traffic routing. Manually maintained DNS entries, Service delivery is required because your application is scaling in and out, and changes are happening at a fast rate.
- Configuration management tools: Puppet, Ansible, Terraform
- Application configuration: ConfigMaps or Secrets
- High-availability (HA) architecture / fault tolerance
- Resource limits and auto-scaling. set limits on what a pod can consume to increase reliability. This avoids the noisy neighbor problem
- Liveness and readiness probes. configure liveness probes and readiness probes to provide your cluster with the ability to self-heal
Key Monitoring Alerts
- Kubernetes deployment with no replicas
- Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) scaling issues
- Host disk usage
- High IO wait times
- Increased network errors
- Increase in pods crashed
- Unhealthy Kubelets
- nginx config reload failures
- Nodes that are not ready
- Large number of pods that are not in a Running state
- External-DNS errors registering records
Kubernetes Security Tools
- Penetration tool - Peirates
- Kube-hunter
- FairwindsOps/Polaris. Validation of best practices in your Kubernetes clusters.
- Kubescape
- AquaSecurity/appshield. Security configuration checks for popular cloud native applications and infrastructure.
- [Trivy-operator]
Kubernetes Security Guides
Kubernetes CI/CD Artifacts
- argoCD
- gitops
- terraform
- helm
- Istio help handling mutual TLS encryption inside the cluster.
Further reading:
- Fairwinds - Kubernetes Best Practices
- Kubernetes Security Cheat Sheet by Owasp
- gaps in your public cloud kubernetes security posture
If you find any typos, errors, outdated resources; or if you have a different point of view. Please open a pull request or contact me.
Pull requests and stars are always welcome 🙌