Igor Kroitor

Results 91 comments of Igor Kroitor

@gaardiolor if I do this without changing all the code that works with precision for order submission, withdrawal submission, not only the parsing, but also all other aspects of the...

@timolson We're about to merge it shortly (almost there, currently working on it right now): - https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt/pull/2397 - https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt/pull/1635 - https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt/pull/2408 - https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt/issues?q=decimalToPrecision+is%3Aclosed - https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt/issues/2733 This is almost a finished...

@pietrodn it's more about the performance of native JSON parsers like JSON.parse() vs a custom parser that would be required to treat JSON numbers as text-strings, which is why we...

@milkymeda This bug should be fixed in CCXT 1.53.74+. Please let us know if you still have this issue after upgrading! Feel free to reopen this issue or just ask...

> it would definitely get merged if the code was compact One thing, though – we have recently removed external deps in favor of "vendored" `static_deps`. All our deps reside...

> Great, I love it. This is only happening for JS-dependencies, not for python? It's for all languages and we use native "stdlib" methods as much as possible. > Also...

@brandsimon one more thing to note – it was quite tricky to make the JS methods work in the browser. When we implement a solution for JS we can't apply...

@brandsimon yes, of course: - https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt/blob/master/js/kucoin.js#L110 \+ - https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt/blob/master/js/kucoin.js#L602 In short, a "`order/{foo}`" in the endpoint becomes a part of the implicit method name – `privateGetOrderFoo (this.extend ({ 'foo': value...

> You saw the other comment regarding libs? Yep, pardon, I was about to answer that as well, but rushed it ) > ccxt requires aiohttp, aiodns, yarl, certifi, requests,...

@samgermain check this comment: https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt/pull/6870#issuecomment-1034875961