Kyle Brown
Kyle Brown
Thanks for responding. However the `alerts` plugin is already defined *before* the `alias` plugin: ``` plugins: - serverless-offline - serverless-jest-plugin - serverless-domain-manager - serverless-plugin-aws-alerts - raml-serverless - serverless-aws-alias ``` I've...
Also it appears if I remove the alerts plugin, it hangs up on the domain-manager one as well :( ``` The CloudFormation template is invalid: Template format error: Unresolved resource...
This also happens to my application in the exact same way, `Invalid descriptor for property '0'` stemming from `e=new DOMTokenList(body, 'className');`.
Simply requiring a mocked module doesn't execute the spy. It returns the spy. So in this case, called would still be `false`. It would be neat to have the ability...
I installed it similar to the readme instructions. Only difference I had to put it in /usr/local/bin due to some restrictions I have on my current system. ``` $ which...
Thanks! using `sudo pip install ntfy` works.
Yep needs a configurable bind host and "external" domain for proxies (and cors here) at the very least
I was also looking for this.
Note that this issue happens to me on `5.15.0-1047-raspi`
Yes. That is my understanding.