Kirill Müller

Results 605 issues of Kirill Müller

For now only Travis. Builds beautiful documentation: . After merging, you'd need to run a few steps: 1. Remove the old `gh-pages` branch: `git push origin :gh-pages` 2. Set...

in a vignette.


I tried implementing `dplyr_reconstruct()`, with no success so far. ``` r library(conflicted) library(dm) library(tidyverse) # pkgload::load_all() library(dm) library(dplyr) dm origin n #> #> 1 EWR 641 #> 2 JFK 602...

to support `across()` and other arguments.


- [ ] `dm_deconstruct()` generates the code to extract table objects and assign them to variables - [ ] Implement `nest()`, should add/update a new primary key - [ ]...