Kirill Müller

Results 607 issues of Kirill Müller

in the README. It should be evident how easy it is to put tables into a dm. ```r dm(flights, ...) %>% cdm_add_pk(...) %>% ... %>% cdm_add_fk(...) ``` It's several lines...

help wanted

similarly to how unnamed tibbles are accepted in `tibble()` and `mutate()` : ``` r library(dm) dm(dm_nycflights13()) #> Error in `abort_dm_invalid()` at dm/R/validate.R:29:4: #> ! This `dm` is invalid, reason: Not...

help wanted

for `dm_draw()` .


The warning is shown by the configure script, but it's easy to overlook. A warning on load might be too much, but perhaps more detail (and instructions to fix) could...

- commit - branch - repo + SHA1 - ...

``` git checkout HEAD~0 Rscript -e "git2r::commits()" # Error in (function (classes, fdef, mtable) : # unable to find an inherited method for function ‘branch_target’ for signature ‘"git_commit"’ ```

as a combination of `use_git_ignore()` and `use_build_ignore()` . More often than not, when we git-ignore we also build-ignore, and sometimes vice versa. Reference: #3.


also in case of failures. Use case: tikzDevice. Something like: ```r structure( "path/to.pdf", log_path = "path/to.log", exec_time = 1.5, success = TRUE, ..., class = c("pdflatex_tinytex_output", "tinytex_output") ) ``` We...

The default setting automatically sorts by the first column. This completely distorts the view, because placeholder rows come first, then all changes or deleted rows, then all new rows. I...

The setting `tab_options(table.width = pct(100))` doesn't seem to be respected when rendering to LaTeX, see reprex below. Is this something you'd consider supporting? It seems that the `longtable` LaTeX environment...

Difficulty: [2] Intermediate
Effort: [3] High
Priority: [2] Medium
Type: ★ Enhancement
Focus: LaTeX Output