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a mighty ui library for openframeworks


Documentation is not exactly up to date.


A handy UI addon for openFrameworks Version 0.10.

This is supposed to be a small but flexible UI library that runs cross-platform with multitouch support.

The library aims to only provide a minimal set of elements needed for basic interactive artworks: sliders, segmented controls, buttons, labels, toolbars/navigation bars, internal windows, textfields

ofxMightyUI is a personal project and developed for my specific needs.


OsciStudio Screenshot Oscilloscope Screenshot


This is very much a work in progress. The following works/worked/should work:

  • Internal Windows (draggable, with titles and optional left/right toolbar buttons)
  • Labels (with all sorts of alignments)
  • Sliders (multitouch enabled, optionally with value labels)
  • Buttons
  • Textfields (based on stb_textedit)
  • Scrollpanes
  • Segmented buttons (the equivalent of radio buttons in a way)
  • Retina support


Download the current master branch for ofxMightyUI and ofxFontStash, either as zip or clone from git with

cd OF/addons
git clone https://github.com/kritzikratzi/ofxMightyUI.git
git clone https://github.com/kritzikratzi/ofxFontStash2.git

All platforms

Edit addons.make and add this line:


Then regenerate your project. If you get missing fonts, then double check that the folder addons/ofxMighty/bin/data gets copied to your bin folder.


There's a longer example in the src/ folder.


#include "MUI.h"

class testApp{
	// Root element to which you can add your UI elements
	mui::Root *root;
	mui::Button * button;
	mui::SliderWithLabel * slider; 
	// callback used for the button onPress
	void onButtonPress( const void* sender, ofTouchEventArgs &args ); 


void testApp::setup(){	
	// create root element
	// this attaches to OF and handles draw/update/mouse/key/... by itself. 
	root = new mui::Root();
	// create button and register add listener
	button = new mui::Button( "Button", 20, 200, 70, 30 ); 
	ofAddListener( button->onPress, this, &testApp::onButtonPress );
	root->add( button ); 

void testApp::onButtonPress( const void* sender, ofTouchEventArgs &args ){
	cout << "the button was pressed!" << endl; 


Component Description
Container Basis for everything. Has (optional) opaque background and takes care of handling touch and key events
Root Takes care of embeding ofxMightyUI into an openFrameworks base class
Label A text label with vertical and horizontal alignment and text color
Button A clickable button with an onPress eventlistener. Contains a label
ToggleButton Same as button, but has two states (selected=true/false)
ScrollPane Takes care of clipping and efficiently display lots of items. Supports scroll wheel and touch scroll, optional paging and autoscroll (for logs).
SegmentedSelected A set of buttons to choose between various options (e.g. color=red/green/blue). Uses templates to attach data to the options
Slider A simple horizontal slider
SliderWithLabel A slider, with a label that displays the current value.
TextField Deprecated! Native textfield overlay. Will be gone soon.
TextArea In progress, unusable. TextField replacement


Especially more complex layouts can be tricky to get right. ofxMightyUI uses a very straight forward approach without springs, layout managers or bindings.

Here is a simple example. We have a form with two labels+sliders (hue and size).

#include "MuiL.h" // L for layout

class MyForm : public mui::Container{
	mui::Label * sizeLabel; 
	mui::Slider * sizeSlider; 
	mui::Label * hueLabel; 
	mui::Slider * sizeSlider; 
		sizeLabel = mui::Label("Size:", 0,0,100,30); 
		sizeSlider = new mui::Slider(0,0,100,30, 100,200,150 ); // a slider 100x30 large, values 100.200, default 150
		hueLabel = new mui::Label("Hue:", 0,0, 100,30); 
		hueSlider = new mui::Slider(0,0,100,30, 100,200,150 ); // a slider 100x30 large, values 100.200, default 150
		delete sizeLabel; 
		delete sizeSlider; 
		delete hueLabel; 
		delete hueSlider; 
	// call on the first frame, and whenever the size of the window changes
	void layout(){
		// move the size label 10 px from top left
		// place the slider next to the label (5px space), and use all available width (minus ten pixels)
		mui::L(sizeSlider).rightOf(sizeLabel, 5); 
		// place the hue label below the size label, leaving a 5 px space. 
		// and the hue slider next to the hue label. 
		mui::L(hueSlider).rightOf(hueLabel, 5); 
		// in this case, we want our own size 
		ofRectangle size = getChildBounds(); 
		width = size.width; 
		height = size.height; 


All events (update,draw,mouse,touch,keyboard,layouting) can be intercepted with lambda functions.

See Container.h for a full list.

// create a button with a border 
mui::Button * button = new mui::Button(); 
	// red when over, otherwise gray
	if(isMouseOver()) ofSetColor(255,0,0); 
	else ofSetColor(150); 
	ofSetColor(255); // always reset to white after drawing!


Third party software/assets used:

The project itself is released under the MIT License.