Results 20 comments of kritiksoman

Please how line 126 to 160 in >[]( for UI change. Or directly ping on slack

In GIMP, see Help->Procedure Browser for list of functions available and it's usage.

sorry but there is not much documentation available, the best way is to see other plugin files and see usage.

this is the only documentation available for the time being [](

check now (set "Use as filter" to True)

I tried for 1166X672 image on i5 processor, 4gb RAM, macOS. It took 5 minutes to produce 4664X2688 image. Will try to optimise it further.

the model available []( is for 256X256 and creating a new model for larger resolution would require retraining. We dont have many contributors to do this. applying existing model on...

I downloaded this '' then replaced []( with ` new_state_dict = {} temp2 = torch.load('model_zoo/bninception/bn_inception-52deb4733.pth') for k,v in temp2.items(): if (k.split(".")[0]=='last_linear'): new_state_dict['fc.'+k.split(".")[1]] = v else: new_state_dict[k] = v self.load_state_dict(new_state_dict, strict...