MPU9250 copied to clipboard
Cannot connect to MPU-9250. It returns 0x73 instead of 0x71
So everytime i try to connect, it prints this message -
MPU9250 I AM 73 I should be 71 Could not connect to MPU9250: 0x73
I have completed i2c scans and received raw data from my sensor before so i'm not sure what i'm doing wrong. Thanks in advance
Change the check to 0x73 and see if the sensor data appears. It's likely you changed a register address or have some other typo there.
-----Original Message----- From: Poley09 [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: March 7, 2016 10:12 AM To: kriswiner/MPU-9250 Subject: [MPU-9250] Cannot connect to MPU-9250. It returns 0x73 instead of 0x71 (#47)
So everytime i try to connect, it prints this message -
MPU9250 I AM 73 I should be 71 Could not connect to MPU9250: 0x73
I have completed i2c scans and received raw data from my sensor before so i'm not sure what i'm doing wrong. Thanks in advance
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it now displays
MPU9250 I AM 73 I should be 73 Could not connect to MPU9250: 0x73
thats what im using, it should be the exact same without the display.
It checks that the byte read in the register is what is expected. Change the expected value to 0x73 not the display value.
-----Original Message----- From: Poley09 [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: March 7, 2016 10:37 AM To: kriswiner/MPU-9250 Cc: Kris Winer Subject: Re: [MPU-9250] Cannot connect to MPU-9250. It returns 0x73 instead of 0x71 (#47)
it now displays
MPU9250 I AM 73 I should be 73 Could not connect to MPU9250: 0x73
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// Read the WHO_AM_I register, this is a good test of communication
byte c = readByte(MPU9250_ADDRESS, WHO_AM_I_MPU9250); // Read WHO_AM_I register for MPU-9250
Serial.print("MPU9250 "); Serial.print("I AM "); Serial.print(c, HEX); Serial.print(" I should be "); Serial.println(0x73, HEX);
if (c == 0x71) // WHO_AM_I should always be 0x68
Serial.println("MPU9250 is online...");
Change this to 0x73; what MPU9250 module are you using?
-----Original Message----- From: Poley09 [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: March 7, 2016 10:44 AM To: kriswiner/MPU-9250 Cc: Kris Winer Subject: Re: [MPU-9250] Cannot connect to MPU-9250. It returns 0x73 instead of 0x71 (#47)
thats what im using, it should be the exact same without the display.
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Yep, sorry I was being stupid and looking in the complete wrong part, it all works now thank you
I was wondering if you could help me with another problem. when perfectly still at rest, i get values around yaw = 128.5 pitch = 3.2 and roll = -1/1 how would i go about getting them to 0 on rest? and im wanting them to control pan/tilt servos with yaw and pitch. However the yaw doesnt seem to be changing when moving it in any direction not just the y axis. i dont know whether there is a mistake somewhere as my pitch and roll seem to be mixed up aswell. thanks
How did you calibrate your sensors?
-----Original Message----- From: Poley09 [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: March 7, 2016 3:08 PM To: kriswiner/MPU-9250 Cc: Kris Winer Subject: Re: [MPU-9250] Cannot connect to MPU-9250. It returns 0x73 instead of 0x71 (#47)
I was wondering if you could help me with another problem. when perfectly still at rest, i get values around yaw = 128.5 pitch = 3.2 and roll = -1/1 how would i go about getting them to 0 on rest? and im wanting them to control pan/tilt servos with yaw and pitch. However the yaw doesnt seem to be changing when moving it in any direction not just the y axis. i dont know whether there is a mistake somewhere as my pitch and roll seem to be mixed up aswell. thanks
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You can PM me at [email protected].
Take a look here: -Calibration
-----Original Message----- From: Poley09 [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: March 7, 2016 3:58 PM To: kriswiner/MPU-9250 Cc: Kris Winer Subject: Re: [MPU-9250] Cannot connect to MPU-9250. It returns 0x73 instead of 0x71 (#47)
not correctly im guessing, im not too experienced with these sensors. do you have an email address i could speak to you on? or send one to [email protected] and ill reply back to that? please and thank you.
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I am having a similar issue. I can communicate with the board. But I get 0xA0 as the who am i value. What can change this ?
There is something very wrong if you are not reading 0x71. Can you verify with an I2C scanner that you are getting an ACK from the MPU9250? You should see 3V3 on the SDA/SCL lines and finf I2C device 0x68 or 0x69 with an I2C scan. Can you read any of the data registers?
Hi Kris,
Thanks for your response. I do get an Ack from 0x68. Which indicates something else is wrong with the chip or it is a counterfeit. I will try another from the batch then get more from a different sipplier. On 4 May 2016 2:43 am, "Kris Winer" [email protected] wrote:
There is something very wrong if you are not reading 0x71. Can you verify with an I2C scanner that you are getting an ACK from the MPU9250? You should see 3V3 on the SDA/SCL lines and finf I2C device 0x68 or 0x69 with an I2C scan.
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It could be a bad board but if you are getting an I2C ACK this is unlikely; it could still be that you have something wrong with the I2C read software, or you are not supplying the proper voltage to the chip. Can you check these things? Can you write to a control register and read it back to verify that you are able to write?
What do you get when you read the whoami register? 0xFF?
-----Original Message----- From: Tisham Dhar [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: May 3, 2016 4:19 PM To: kriswiner/MPU-9250 Cc: Kris Winer; Comment Subject: Re: [kriswiner/MPU-9250] Cannot connect to MPU-9250. It returns 0x73 instead of 0x71 (#47)
Hi Kris,
Thanks for your response. I do get an Ack from 0x68. Which indicates something else is wrong with the chip or it is a counterfeit. I will try another from the batch then get more from a different sipplier. On 4 May 2016 2:43 am, "Kris Winer" [email protected] wrote:
There is something very wrong if you are not reading 0x71. Can you verify with an I2C scanner that you are getting an ACK from the MPU9250? You should see 3V3 on the SDA/SCL lines and finf I2C device 0x68 or 0x69 with an I2C scan.
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I get 0xA0. I am using your MPU9250 demo code. Will check voltages. On 4 May 2016 10:10 am, "Kris Winer" [email protected] wrote:
It could be a bad board but if you are getting an I2C ACK this is unlikely; it could still be that you have something wrong with the I2C read software, or you are not supplying the proper voltage to the chip. Can you check these things? Can you write to a control register and read it back to verify that you are able to write?
What do you get when you read the whoami register? 0xFF?
-----Original Message----- From: Tisham Dhar [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: May 3, 2016 4:19 PM To: kriswiner/MPU-9250 Cc: Kris Winer; Comment Subject: Re: [kriswiner/MPU-9250] Cannot connect to MPU-9250. It returns 0x73 instead of 0x71 (#47)
Hi Kris,
Thanks for your response. I do get an Ack from 0x68. Which indicates something else is wrong with the chip or it is a counterfeit. I will try another from the batch then get more from a different sipplier. On 4 May 2016 2:43 am, "Kris Winer" [email protected] wrote:
There is something very wrong if you are not reading 0x71. Can you verify with an I2C scanner that you are getting an ACK from the MPU9250? You should see 3V3 on the SDA/SCL lines and finf I2C device 0x68 or 0x69 with an I2C scan.
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I think you are reading the wrong register. Try reading some other registers, after you write to them
-----Original Message----- From: Tisham Dhar [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: May 3, 2016 10:44 PM To: kriswiner/MPU-9250 Cc: Kris Winer; Comment Subject: Re: [kriswiner/MPU-9250] Cannot connect to MPU-9250. It returns 0x73 instead of 0x71 (#47)
I get 0xA0. I am using your MPU9250 demo code. Will check voltages. On 4 May 2016 10:10 am, "Kris Winer" [email protected] wrote:
It could be a bad board but if you are getting an I2C ACK this is unlikely; it could still be that you have something wrong with the I2C read software, or you are not supplying the proper voltage to the chip. Can you check these things? Can you write to a control register and read it back to verify that you are able to write?
What do you get when you read the whoami register? 0xFF?
-----Original Message----- From: Tisham Dhar [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: May 3, 2016 4:19 PM To: kriswiner/MPU-9250 Cc: Kris Winer; Comment Subject: Re: [kriswiner/MPU-9250] Cannot connect to MPU-9250. It returns 0x73 instead of 0x71 (#47)
Hi Kris,
Thanks for your response. I do get an Ack from 0x68. Which indicates something else is wrong with the chip or it is a counterfeit. I will try another from the batch then get more from a different sipplier. On 4 May 2016 2:43 am, "Kris Winer" [email protected] wrote:
There is something very wrong if you are not reading 0x71. Can you verify with an I2C scanner that you are getting an ACK from the MPU9250? You should see 3V3 on the SDA/SCL lines and finf I2C device 0x68 or 0x69 with an I2C scan.
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Which register will be good control register test case. This was my first QFN soldering attempt and there might be dry joints etc. I will continue testing. Thanks for the assistance.
Make sure you set Power1 to 0x00 and then 0x01 to wake from sleep and set the clock. You could try to write to the CONFIG register. Write 0x00, then read, then write 0x03, then read. You could easily have cold solder joints which prevent power from getting to the ASIC even if you are getting an I2C ACK. Verify your code with a known good sensor. Check your solder joints for contact with the QFN side pads.
Hi, I also read the 0x73 in my WhoAmI register. Is different MPU9250 sensor has unique value? Can I change this value myself?
The WHO_AM_I register is read only, you cannot change the MPU9250 value, but you can change the value you compare with in the sketch to 0x73.
-----Original Message----- From: YanJenHuang [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: May 26, 2016 12:00 AM To: kriswiner/MPU-9250 Cc: Kris Winer; Comment Subject: Re: [kriswiner/MPU-9250] Cannot connect to MPU-9250. It returns 0x73 instead of 0x71 (#47)
Hi, I also read the 0x73 in my WhoAmI register. Is different MPU9250 sensor has unique value? Can I change this value myself?
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Hi, I've been getting a similar error - the WHO_AM_I register returns "0" when I set the AD0 to 0, and "0xFF" when I set AD0 to 1. Now, I ran the I2C scanner and the device is at 0x68 - meaning, AD0 should be 0, right? Anyway, no one else seems to have gotten "0" as the return value so I'm kinda stuck and would appreciate your help.
It sounds like there is a problem with your i2c read function or with integer types. Please tell me more about your set up, which MCU, which mpu9259 breakout and what does the i2c read code look like and maybe I can help.
Sent from my iPhone
On Jul 2, 2016, at 2:43 AM, Guy Lalkin [email protected] wrote:
Hi, I've been getting a similar error - the WHO_AM_I register returns "0" when I set the AD0 to 0, and "0xFF" when I set AD0 to 1. Now, I ran the I2C scanner and the device is at 0x68 - meaning, AD0 should be 0, right? Anyway, no one else seems to have gotten "0" as the return value so I'm kinda stuck and would appreciate your help.
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OK, so I'm using Teensy 3.2, and that Chinese purple breakout board everyone seems to have (
And regarding the I2C scan - it just says "device found at address 0x68". Seems to be recognized.
One thing I changed from the default code is the interrupt pin - I'm connecting it to pin 22 on my Teensy, so I changed the code accordingly, but I don't think that's the culprit, ha.
Thanks again.
On Sat, Jul 2, 2016 at 5:14 PM, Kris Winer [email protected] wrote:
It sounds like there is a problem with your i2c read function or with integer types. Please tell me more about your set up, which MCU, which mpu9259 breakout and what does the i2c read code look like and maybe I can help.
Sent from my iPhone
On Jul 2, 2016, at 2:43 AM, Guy Lalkin [email protected] wrote:
Hi, I've been getting a similar error - the WHO_AM_I register returns "0" when I set the AD0 to 0, and "0xFF" when I set AD0 to 1. Now, I ran the I2C scanner and the device is at 0x68 - meaning, AD0 should be 0, right? Anyway, no one else seems to have gotten "0" as the return value so I'm kinda stuck and would appreciate your help.
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Are you pulling NCS HIGH?
-----Original Message----- From: Guy Lalkin [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: July 2, 2016 7:50 AM To: kriswiner/MPU-9250 Cc: Kris Winer; Comment Subject: Re: [kriswiner/MPU-9250] Cannot connect to MPU-9250. It returns 0x73 instead of 0x71 (#47)
OK, so I'm using Teensy 3.2, and that Chinese purple breakout board everyone seems to have (
And regarding the I2C scan - it just says "device found at address 0x68". Seems to be recognized.
One thing I changed from the default code is the interrupt pin - I'm connecting it to pin 22 on my Teensy, so I changed the code accordingly, but I don't think that's the culprit, ha.
Thanks again.
On Sat, Jul 2, 2016 at 5:14 PM, Kris Winer [email protected] wrote:
It sounds like there is a problem with your i2c read function or with integer types. Please tell me more about your set up, which MCU, which mpu9259 breakout and what does the i2c read code look like and maybe I can help.
Sent from my iPhone
On Jul 2, 2016, at 2:43 AM, Guy Lalkin [email protected] wrote:
Hi, I've been getting a similar error - the WHO_AM_I register returns "0" when I set the AD0 to 0, and "0xFF" when I set AD0 to 1. Now, I ran the I2C scanner and the device is at 0x68 - meaning, AD0 should be 0, right? Anyway, no one else seems to have gotten "0" as the return value so I'm kinda stuck and would appreciate your help.
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It's not connected to anything, so I guess... not? Oops. My connections are VCC (3.3v), GND, SCL & SDA and then the INT pin. I haven't connected anything else because all of the codes I've seen only require these five.
You have to pull NCS HIGH to put the MPU into I2C mode. Try it. And read the data sheet.
-----Original Message----- From: Guy Lalkin [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: July 2, 2016 8:14 AM To: kriswiner/MPU-9250 Cc: Kris Winer; Comment Subject: Re: [kriswiner/MPU-9250] Cannot connect to MPU-9250. It returns 0x73 instead of 0x71 (#47)
It's not connected to anything, so I guess... not? Oops. My connections are VCC (3.3v), GND, SCL & SDA and then the INT pin. I haven't connected anything else because all of the codes I've seen only require these five.
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Will do. Thanks a bunch for the help!
0x73 comes from the MPU9255 in case anyone else is wondering.
I have asked Invensense about this and they haven't replied. How do you know this, is it in the MPU9255 data sheet? I'll check...
-----Original Message----- From: Julien Heimann [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: August 22, 2016 11:05 AM To: kriswiner/MPU-9250 Cc: Kris Winer; Comment Subject: Re: [kriswiner/MPU-9250] Cannot connect to MPU-9250. It returns 0x73 instead of 0x71 (#47)
0x73 comes from the MPU9255 in case anyone else is wondering.
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i found it in the register map document ( after i ran into the same issue (and i actually purchased the 9255 without realizing it)
Thanks, I just read the register map. Apparently the MPU9250 I bought on were MPU9255 too!
-----Original Message----- From: Julien Heimann [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: August 22, 2016 1:39 PM To: kriswiner/MPU-9250 Cc: Kris Winer; Comment Subject: Re: [kriswiner/MPU-9250] Cannot connect to MPU-9250. It returns 0x73 instead of 0x71 (#47)
i found it in the register map document ( after i ran into the same issue (and i actually purchased the 9255 without realizing it)
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