LSM9DS1 copied to clipboard
ST's new smaller, lower-power 9-axis motion sensor
According to the datasheet, lsb of gyro is 8.75 mdps/lsb for +-245 dps. 245/32768 gives 7.4768 mdps. Its also different for +-500 and +-2000 dps. Which one we should use?
Hi to all. First of all, I want to appreciate @kriswiner for making this code, that's a huge one, it makes using the sensor so easy and understandable for me....
Hello, i was wondering how could implement all the code (so no serial code either) in python. I have an LSM9DS1TR chip simular to LSM9DS1. But if i convert the...
Hey Kris, I am writing to You becouse I have big problem with my Arduino board and I can't resolve this from week. I want to implement Madgwick filter and...
Hi Kris, First, Thank you for your forums and support. We are building a new product using the LSM9DS1 IMU unit. We try to use it on a slow flight...
Hi, I am using a LSM9DS1 on a custom PCB, with your code (thanks a lot btw), for a dead reckoning algorithm. For now I am outputing calculated quaternions for...
Hi. I am having trouble getting consistent readings from the lsm9ds1, and I think the issue is with my calibrations. The thing is, I have had a couple of attempts...
Hi, This is not an issue, it's more of a question, I spent a few good days on this. I'm trying to calibrate the magnetometer inside LSM9DS1 and I'm not...
The question says it all. I'm looking at ``` // Function which accumulates gyro and accelerometer data after device initialization. It calculates the average // of the at-rest readings and...
Hi Kris, I have been trying to make my LSM9DS1 with your code. I just have a few questions. I am using madwick filter on an arduino uno. `MadgwickQuaternionUpdate(ax, ay,...