assetic copied to clipboard
Can't compile SCSS files on Windows
I am trying to getting this working on WAMP on Windows, but keep on failing.
I have WAMP 2.5 Ruby 2,2 and Compass 1,0.3 installed on my Windows 8.1 PC with WAMP 2.5.
Here is the screenshot that shows I have Ruby and Compass installed on my PC.
Here shows the configuration files that I used in my Symfony 2 project.
This is the error I encounter when I try to run the project.
Here is the line for assetic bundle on the composer.json
"symfony/assetic-bundle": "~2.3"
As far as I checked, it looks like that this is something to deal with piping file streams. Just want to know whether this can be fixed or I need to install Ubuntu or Mac OSX. Please advise.
Edit "vendor/kriswallsmith/assetic/src/Assetic/Filter/CompassFilter.php"
Change Line 312 from:
That fixed it for me.
@sujayjaju - the fixed worked also on my setup on windows.. @kriswallsmith - could this be added to code, or would it break something ?
+1 Would be nice if this could be added.
+1 We need this too. (It was adden in 2011 but then removed with the next commit :weary:)
+1 is fixing the issue.