
Results 15 comments of Elmar

My thought was similar. It looks like it fell under the Radar because C# provides these functions already and calling `string.CompareTo(string)` does not call the `StringExtensions` method of Godot but...

Ah, I didn't know, GDScript uses an Invariant Culture like comparison. The original C# implementation (that I linked above) looks perfectly ordinal to me (`instance[instanceIndex] < to[toIndex]`) and using InvariantCulture...

It's not technically a behaviour bug (the behaviour is ordinal comparison, the bug is the nul-termination assumption) but never mind, just make sure to document the choice, e.g. [here](https://docs.godotengine.org/en/stable/tutorials/scripting/c_sharp/c_sharp_differences.html#string). I...

PS: this seems to be related to the HashAlgorithm class in general. I get the same problem with `SHA1` and `SHA256`.

As of now, the trick with coreclr only works for Windows. I could not get debugging to work for Linux binaries of Godot (it runs the program but the interaction...