osx-config-check icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
osx-config-check copied to clipboard

Evaluate these Safari configurations for checking

Open kristovatlas opened this issue 8 years ago • 6 comments

  • [x] AlwaysShowFavoritesBarInFullScreen
  • [x] AlwaysShowTabBar
  • [x] AlwaysShowTabBarInFullScreen
  • [x] AutoFillCreditCardData
  • [x] AutoFillFromAddressBook
  • [x] AutoFillMiscellaneousForms
  • [x] AutoFillPasswords
  • [x] AutoOpenSafeDownloads
  • [x] AutoShowToolbarInFullScreen
  • [x] BlockStoragePolicy
  • [x] CachedBookmarksFileDate
  • [x] CachedBookmarksFileSize
  • [ ] DefaultBrowserPromptingState2
  • [ ] DidDisableIndividualExtensionsAfterRemovingOnOffSwitchIfNecessary
  • [x] DidMigrateNewBookmarkSheetToReadingListDefault
  • [x] DidMigrateTabsToLinksForReaderKey
  • [ ] DidMigrateToMoreRestrictiveFileURLPolicy
  • [ ] DidMigrateWebKit1Preferences
  • [ ] DidReportHistorySettings
  • [ ] DidUnsubscribeFromRSSFeeds
  • [x] ExtensionsEnabled
  • [x] GEOUsageSessionID
  • [x] GEOUsageSessionIDGenerationTime
  • [x] LastApplicationCacheMessageTraceTime
  • [x] LastExtensionMessageTraceTime
  • [ ] LastInstalledPlugInsMessageTraceTime
  • [x] LastOSVersionSafariWasLaunchedOn
  • [x] LastSafariVersionWithWelcomePage
  • [x] LastSharedLinksMessageTraceTime
  • [ ] LocalFileRestrictionsEnabled
  • [x] NSNavLastRootDirectory
  • [x] NSNavPanelExpandedSizeForOpenMode
  • [x] NSPreferencesContentSize
  • [ ] NSPreferencesSelectedIndex
  • [ ] "NSTableView Columns Passwords Preferences"
  • [ ] "NSTableView Hidden Columns Passwords Preferences"
  • [ ] "NSTableView Sort Ordering Passwords Preferences"
  • [ ] "NSToolbar Configuration BrowserToolbarIdentifier-v2"
  • [ ] "NSToolbar Configuration NSPreferences"
  • [x] "NSWindow Frame BrowserWindowFrame"
  • [x] "NSWindow Frame Preferences"
  • [ ] NewestLaunchedSafariVersion
  • [ ] OpenWindows
  • [x] PreloadTopHit
  • [ ] RecentWebSearches
  • [ ] RemoteConfigurationLastUpdateFailed
  • [ ] RemoteConfigurationLastUpdateTime
  • [ ] SearchProviderIdentifierMigratedToSystemPreference
  • [ ] SearchProvidersNotAllowedToPromptToBeMadeDefault
  • [x] SendDoNotTrackHTTPHeader
  • [ ] "ShowFavoritesBar-v2"
  • [ ] ShowFullURLInSmartSearchField
  • [ ] SidebarViewModeIdentifier
  • [ ] SkipLoadingExtensionsAtLaunch
  • [ ] StartPageViewControllerMode
  • [x] Storefront
  • [x] SuccessfulLaunchTimestamp
  • [x] SuppressSearchSuggestions
  • [ ] TestDriveOriginBrowser
  • [ ] TestDriveStartDate
  • [ ] TestDriveState
  • [x] TreatSHA1CertificatesAsInsecure
  • [ ] UserStyleSheetEnabled
  • [x] WebKitJavaEnabled
  • [x] WebKitJavaScriptEnabled
  • [x] WebKitPluginsEnabled
  • [ ] WebKitRespectStandardStyleKeyEquivalents
  • [ ] WebKitStorageBlockingPolicy
  • [ ] WebsiteSpecificSearchEnabled
  • [ ] "com.apple.Safari.ContentPageGroupIdentifier.WebKit2JavaEnabled"
  • [x] "com.apple.Safari.ContentPageGroupIdentifier.WebKit2JavaScriptEnabled"
  • [x] "com.apple.Safari.ContentPageGroupIdentifier.WebKit2PluginsEnabled"
  • [ ] "com.apple.Safari.ContentPageGroupIdentifier.WebKit2StorageBlockingPolicy"
  • [x] "com.apple.Safari.ContentPageGroupIdentifier.WebKit2WebGLEnabled"

kristovatlas avatar Jun 01 '16 21:06 kristovatlas