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zine copied to clipboard

Fast, Scalable, Flexible Static Site Generator (SSG)


Fast, Scalable, Flexible Static Site Generator (SSG)

Zine is pronounced like in fanzine.

Development Status

Super alpha stage, using Zine now means participating to its development work.

Getting Started

Go to https://zine-ssg.io to get started.


It is recommended to develop Zine against a site project (eg zine-sample-site) by running zig build on the project and setting the Zine dependency to a local checkout in build.zig.zon:


    .name = "Zine Sample Site",
    .version = "0.0.0",
    .dependencies = .{
        .zine = .{
            .path = "../zine",
    .paths = .{"."},

Two flags that are going to help you develop Zine:


Builds Zine in debug mode, which means faster rebuilds and enabling debug logging.


Enables logging only for the specified scopes. Can be passed multiple times to enable more than one scope.

See at the top of each component what is the scope name in a declaration that looks like this:


const log = std.log.scoped(.server);


const log = std.log.scoped(.sitter);