acts_as_list_mongoid copied to clipboard
Make your Mongoid model acts as a list
Mongoid Acts as list
This is a port of the classic +acts_as_list+ to Mongoid.
This acts_as extension provides the capabilities for sorting and reordering a number of objects in a list. If you do not specify custom position +column+ in the options, a key named +pos+ will be used automatically.
gem install acts_as_list_mongoid
See the /specs folder specs that demontrate the API. Usage examples are located in the /examples folder.
Update 26, Nov 2010
The gem doesn't seem to work with the latest versions of Mongoid (> beta14), please help fix this ;) Usage has been simplified using a suggestion by 'KieranP'
To make a class Act as List, simply do:
include ActsAsList::Mongoid
And it will automatically set up a field and call acts_as_list with that field. By default the field name is :position.
You can change the defaut position_column name used: ActsAsList::Mongoid.default_position_column = :pos
For this class variable to be effetive, it should be set before calling include ActsAsList::Mongoid
require 'mongoid' require 'mongoid_embedded_helper' Mongoid.configure.master ='acts_as_list-test') class Item include Mongoid::Document include Mongoid::Timestamps include ActsAsList::Mongoid field :number, :type => Integer embedded_in :list, :inverse_of => :items end class List include Mongoid::Document field :name, :type => String embeds_many :items end todo_list = :name => 'My todo list' %w{'clean', 'wash', 'repair'}.each do |name| todo_item = => name) todo_list.itemsOverriding defaults
By default, when including ActsAsList::Mongoid, the field is set to :pos and the acts_as_list column to :pos. To change this:
include ActsAsList::Mongoid field :pos, :type => Integer acts_as_list :column => :posList initialization
In order for the list items to be initialized properly, it is necessary to call the method
on the collection in order for the position of each list item to be set to an initial position.+Example:+
New move API borrowed from Data Mapper in-list plugin
item.move(:highest) # moves to top of list. item.move(:lowest) # moves to bottom of list. item.move(:top) # moves to top of list. item.move(:bottom) # moves to bottom of list. item.move(:up) # moves one up (:higher and :up is the same) within the scope. item.move(:down) # moves one up (:lower and :down is the same) within the scope. item.move(:to => position) # moves item to a specific position. item.move(:above => other) # moves item above the other item.* item.move(:below => other)## Running the specsrspec spec