barfi copied to clipboard
set_option problem
hello, with this script I am trying to display the output of the slider block in a result block without result. what is wrong with my script? thanks in advance
from barfi import st_barfi, barfi_schemas, Block import streamlit as st
slider_block = Block(name='Slider')
slider_block.add_input() slider_block.add_output() slider_block.add_option(name='display-option', type='display',value='This is a Block with Slider option.') slider_block.add_option(name='slider-option-1', type='slider', min=0, max=10, value=2.5)
def slider_block_func(self):
input_1_value = self.get_interface(name='Input 1')
slider_1_value = self.get_option(name='slider-option-1')
self.set_interface(name='Output 1', value=slider_1_value)
result = Block(name='Result') result.add_input() result.add_option(name='ValueText', type='display', value='toto')
def result_func(self):
in_1 = self.get_interface(name='Input 1')
compute_engine = st.checkbox('Activate barfi compute engine', value=True) barfi_result = st_barfi(base_blocks=[ slider_block, result]) if barfi_result: st.write(barfi_result)
I want to reproduce this example:
export const DisplayNode = new NodeBuilder("DisplayNode") .setName("Display") .addInputInterface("Value") .addOption("ValueText", "TextOption")
.onCalculate(n => {
let value = n.getInterface("Value").value;
n.setOptionValue("ValueText", value);
import { Node } from "@baklavajs/core";
export class MathNode extends Node { constructor() { super(); this.type = "MathNode"; = "Math"; this.addInputInterface("Number 1", "SliderOption", 100);
calculate() {
const n1 = this.getInterface("Number 1").value;
this.getInterface("Result").value = n1;
Hello @erwanito12
If I understood you right, you want to display the value from the slider on the result block, updating the string toto
to that value.
Then, that is not possible at the moment. (Nor do I see that feature in the roadmap.) The display option is on the initial block creation. And cannot be updated later on schema execution.
But you can get the result from the result block and display it on the app, by using:
if barfi_result:
st.write(barfi_result['Result-1']['block'].get_interface('Input 1'))
Thank you @krish-adi for your detailed answer, you understood my request very well. my more general idea is to be able to add options to your library. I achieved this by modifying the files in the frontEnd folder and at I want to be able to modify a canvas like I do with baklavajs. indeed the value cannot be updated within the framework of your library, it's a real shame that it greatly limits the use and ergonomics of your library. congratulations for your excellent work.
which gives as result:
with this script:
from barfi import st_barfi, barfi_schemas, Block import streamlit as st
feed = Block(name='Feed') feed.add_input() feed.add_option(name = 'Peak', type = 'PeakOption', value=0.4)
def feed_func(self):
input_1_value = self.get_interface(name='Input 1')
self.set_option(name='Peak', value=input_1_value)
slider_block = Block(name='Slider')
slider_block.add_input() slider_block.add_output()
slider_block.add_option(name='display-option', type='display',value='This is a Block with Slider option.') slider_block.add_option(name='slider-option-1', type='slider', min=0, max=10, value=2.5)
def slider_block_func(self):
input_1_value = self.get_interface(name='Input 1')
slider_1_value = self.get_option(name='slider-option-1')
self.set_interface(name='Output 1', value=slider_1_value)
result = Block(name='Result') result.add_input() result.add_option(name='ValueText', type='display')
def result_func(self):
in_1 = self.get_interface(name='Input 1')
result.set_option(name='ValueText',value='toto') compute_engine = st.checkbox('Activate barfi compute engine', value=True) barfi_result = st_barfi(base_blocks=[ feed, slider_block, result]) if barfi_result: st.write(barfi_result['Result-1']['block'].get_interface('Input 1'))
hey erwanito12 would you mind to share your scripts? I like to play with this too as we got the same requirements. We like to build a block which could show a result image or maybe more
@erwanito12 Sorry, I missed this. Could you send a PR with an example to test it?
can i add a dialog box popup to add a form in the block
I'm also looking forward for a way on how to update (rerender) a Display in the canvas and add a feature for dobule click in a block and open a modal with maibe the str method of the block or a custom modal without rerun the streamlit.
Lovely and simple module/widget great work anyway