Krzysztof Daniel
Krzysztof Daniel
It is not documented properly and not clear. This needs to be a root password to local database? There is no impact on the database name. Shall this database be...
Which format is proper?
This is my config: ``` return gulp.src('static-full/team/*.{jpg,png}') .pipe(responsive({ '*': [ { width: 480, rename: { extname: '.jpg', }, quality: 80, format: 'jpeg' }, { width: 480, rename: { extname: '.webp',...
A license file is missing in this repository and it is not clear what license terms apply to this extension. Can you specify it?
Not much work was required, we extended service definition so you can inject Buzz\Browser to your services Change tested with 4.0 beta and 2.8 LTS - works. #SymfonyConHackday2017
Currently, the status code thrown for not accepted IP is: 500 Internal Server Error - Security Exception It would be better to have a proper HTTP status code like 403...
When you enable the extension but leave the IP field empty - you will not be able to access admin from any computer. It is quite easy to ban yourself...
``` const info = await activeWindow({ accessibilityPermission: false, screenRecordingPermission: true, }); ``` With this code, for some reason, the Electron app keeps asking for accessibility permission. It keeps asking, even...
Looking into console I have following ``` 2014-12-06 19:21:06| NFSv3: getattr(C:\cygwin64\home\Krzysztof\work\sf\www\test\xxx.txt) 2014-12-06 19:21:06| NFSv3: setattr3(C:\cygwin64\home\Krzysztof\work\sf\www\test\xxx.txt, [Mode: nil, uid: nil, gid: nil, size: 0, atime: nil, mtime: 3626878866], nil)Handling...
# Background Currently, Elastic IPs are created manually by us and provided as IP in settings. # Need This process could be updated and a new setting to generate EIP...