box2d.js copied to clipboard
helper tools
I've been trying to work with the helper tools, but found that they don't work as they come
I had to refactor the .allocate function to _malloc and change Box2D.SetValue to _memAlloc
But at the moment, I still can't create a polygon because I get an assertion error on PolygonShape.Set
I have tried placing my vertices clockwise and counterclockwise, both to no avail
Any ideas?
With new emscripten builds helper code doesn't work because they removed allocate and setvalue functions. I am using this modified code for creating polygons
function createPolygonShape(vertices) {
var shape = new Box2D.b2PolygonShape();
// var buffer = Box2D.allocate(vertices.length * 8, 'float', Box2D.ALLOC_STACK);
var buffer = Box2D._malloc(vertices.length * 8);
var offset = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < vertices.length; i++) {
// Box2D.setValue(buffer + (offset), vertices[i].get_x(), 'float'); // x
Box2D.HEAPF32[buffer + offset >> 2] = vertices[i].get_x();
// Box2D.setValue(buffer + (offset + 4), vertices[i].get_y(), 'float'); // y
Box2D.HEAPF32[buffer + (offset + 4) >> 2] = vertices[i].get_y();
offset += 8;
var ptr_wrapped = Box2D.wrapPointer(buffer, Box2D.b2Vec2);
shape.Set(ptr_wrapped, vertices.length);
return shape;