wp-chatbot icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
wp-chatbot copied to clipboard

Simple Wordpress Plugin to add any chatbot to your web page

Results 17 wp-chatbot issues
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Hi Krilor, I have your plugin integrated directly with api.ai and I get this error when I send a message: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/12632582/29635748-510d0bce-8824-11e7-8bc7-316435250bbe.png) Any ideas? Thanks!

Hi Krilor, Opening this issue just to ask you a question. I have a Facebook messenger bot developed by myself integrated with api.ai. Now I'm trying to use the bot...

Introduced in #42 . Should send directly, not move to input, then click()


Separate docker MAMP setup is fine, though

Hi, I've sort of got the chat bot working by putting the setting values into the actual php files rather than use the settings. But, I'm having a weird issue...


To sort out issues such as #31


Let the user know if the current options actually works. Should be solved through admin-ajax
