flagwaver copied to clipboard
thanks for good job! my fork - http://vvl99.narod.ru/flag3/f310TT.html http://vvl99.narod.ru/flag3/f362.html https://jpegshare.net/images/c2/7a/c27a351da2fe487fcb64a2b137794d77.png
I suggest adding:
- Morning -
return t.position.set(6, 5, 0)
http://VVL99.narod.ru/flag3/f391.html - Evening -
return t.position.set(-6, 5, 0)
http://VVL99.narod.ru/flag3/f392.html - Metallic glitter
r = new T.MeshPhysicalMaterial({
color: "#fff",
metalness: .93,
roughness: .32,
clearcoat: 1,
clearCoatRoughness: 1,
opacity: 1
- Glitter fabric -
var a = new T.MeshStandardMaterial({
color: "#fff",
metalness: .6,
roughness: .6,
side: T.DoubleSide,
map: n
- Sound - http://vvl99.narod.ru/flag3/f310TT.html
- Scaling and rotation - https://www.clicktorelease.com/code/codevember-2016/14/
- Flag fastening detail
http://vvl99.narod.ru/flag3/f310KA.html#?src=http%3A%2F%2FVVL99.narod.ru%2Fflag3%2Fassets%2Fimg%2F79.jpg Congratulations to everyone on Victory Day! 75 years ago, that day ended the war.
- light movement - http://vvl99.narod.ru/3DText/3D_text.html#FF3C00111#light