php-docraptor copied to clipboard
PHP consumer for the API
PHP-DocRaptor is a simple consumer class for You will need a DocRaptor account before you can use the class, as it requires a valid API key.
###Usage $docraptor = new DocRaptor(YOUR_API_KEY); $docraptor->setDocumentContent('
')->setDocumentType('pdf')->setTest(true)->setName('output.pdf'); $file = $docraptor->fetchDocument();Optionally, the fetchDocument() method takes a filename as an argument. If you provide a filename, the class will attempt to write the returned value to the file you provided.
####HTTPS or HTTP By default, PHP-DocRaptor submits requests over https. You can choose to submit via http, if that's your preference, by passing an argument to the setSecure() method (true for https, false for http):
$docraptor = new DocRaptor(YOUR_API_KEY);