Lukas Kremsmayr
Lukas Kremsmayr
Need to be changed in Readme and in checks on startup.
Try to add Plugin Version to the Exception at the Website (to know if the errors are caused by old or new versions)
If MX is down the MX ids stay empty until next ManiaControl Restart.
We have the issue from time to time that "bad" programmed plugins spam error Messages in an indefined loop to the website. There should be something like a buffer in...
Clicking the label for the server in the Karma Plugin settings doesnt work since MP4, because the account of the server owner first needs to be authenticated on maniaexchange. So...
At least for some Parts as the wohle project would not be possible right now like: -> the new Callback Structures -> the updatemanager (most important probably) -> the errorreporter...
Create a small Documentation on the Website for Commandline Paramters, or maybe create a Github wiki as it is easier to maintain.