Lukas Kremsmayr
Lukas Kremsmayr
Im using your great plugin since today and for my project I would really need that the week starts on monday!
I would really need that for my Project :). We will send scores live from the servers to the website :).
Any news on that request?
The main problem is that im not really familar with javascript, and the projects im working right now costing lots of time. I think for teijo it would be not...
Basically I meant nothing which comes on MouseOver or MouseClick, I mean something Permant like the Country Flaggs for the Players
I have a quite good one ( , but I guess I need to modify it according to get it with most of the projects code in accordance, for example...
Yep, for debian its even more complicate, only had problems in 1-2 bowhead files if i remember right, they are not 7.0 compatible but as a code you can get...
The problem arent any packages or whatever on debian, the problem is that debian itself support never the newest version, debian 7 supports 5.6 max, debian 8 7, they moving...