pacosako icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
pacosako copied to clipboard

This code drives the website where you can play Paco Ŝako.


CI Translation status

This is the codebase for the website. It has a frontend written in Elm and a backend written in Rust based on the Rocket server framework.

If you want to help with the translation, you can do so on our Weblate project:

Translation status

Unfortunately, getting started with development is a bit tricky. The linked Gitpod environment is no longer working.

Gitpod Ready-to-Code

Please note that you need to restart the backend server manually when you make changes to rust code. The frontend is already recompiled automatically.

Running without Gitpod


If you want to run the development environment locally, you will need to have installed:

Then run

cargo build --bin cache_hash --release

All other installations are done in ./ Modify this file:

  • Change the path for all installations from home/gitpod/bin to your preferred path (such as ~/Documents/gitpod/bin/).
  • Change to English to get the English version of the website.


# Initialize target directory, copy static files

Useful Software

Building WASM artifacts is faster, if you have wasm-bindgen installed:

cargo install wasm-bindgen-cli


Then you run

# Run elm-watch which keeps the frontend up to date & hot reloads
cd frontend
elm-watch hot

# (In a second terminal) run the backend server:
cd backend
cargo run

Rules for Paco Ŝako (Rust Library)

Besides the server frontend in Elm and the backend in Rust, we also have a Rust library which implements the rules of the game and provides some analysis functions. Eventually, this library will also be included in the frontend via webassembly and Elm ports.

To run an example, just execute cargo run.

To build the webassembly file from the library run the scripts/ script. You also get this as part of scripts/ as well.

See for details on wasm.

Working on translations

Remember: if you just want to help with translations, use Weblate.

This part is for development. It is switching the used language when programming.

If you want to merge translations that were done with weblate, use

git remote add weblate
git remote update weblate
git merge weblate/master

Currently, the translations are not integrated into the live reloading development server. You can set the language you see the UI in by going into the frontend folder and copying the right language version into position:

# English English
# Dutch Dutch
# Esperanto Esperanto
# Once you have chosen a language it is remembered any you can rebuild using

Once you copy this, the dev server should pick up the change and recompile the frontend for you.

Adding a new language

You first need a new language file in frontend/i18n. This can be an empty dictionary {}. Once you sync that to weblate, weblate will allow translators to translate the file.

When translations are available, merge changes from weblate into the main branch as described above.

Add your language to frontend/pytrans.json to make it available to the Elm code. Then run in the frontend directory. The Translations.elm file is now updated and the Elm compiler should direct you to the next steps.

Afterwards you also need to update the languageChoiceV2 function in Header.elm.

Note that locally switching language doesn't work with the buttons, and instead you need to run Esperanto or the equivalent for your language. This is because the language is set at compile time, so the app only has one language at a time.

In the backend you need to adapt the get_static_language_file function to make sure the productive server is also able to deliver the compiled Elm in the right language.

Creating a username-password user

When developing the server without access to Discord secrets, you can create a username-password user by inserting it directly into the database with

-- First, insert the user into the user table
INSERT INTO user (name, avatar) VALUES ('Rolf Kreibaum', 'identicon:204bedcd9a44b3e1db26e7619bca694d');

-- Then, retrieve the ID of the newly inserted user and use it to insert into the login table
INSERT INTO login (user_id, type, identifier, hashed_password)
VALUES (last_insert_rowid(), 'password', 'rolf', '$argon2id$v=19$m=19456,t=2,p=1$OsG1y7Fvnq1FW8gKvlK4gQ$ryEgps/NG93d/Nyp8ri0GMR+LHymyb7ivnw5vnE4Q7U');

To get the argon2 hash of a password, run the server locally and try logging in with the password you want to use. The server will print the hash to the console. (This happens only with dev_mode = true.)

Remember to commit the changes to the database.

Working with Julia

To load JtacPacoSako, do the following:

# Load CUDA and cuDNN
julia> # using Revise (Only for development)
julia> using cuDNN
julia> using JtacPacoSako

To compile the shared library run cargo build --release in ./lib

This assumes you have installed Jtac.jl and JtacPacoSako as a development package using

]dev {..}/Jtac.jl
]dev {..}/pacosako/julia

Test if everything works

julia> G = PacoSako;
julia> model = Model.NeuralModel(G, Model.@chain G Dense(50, "relu"));
julia> player = Player.MCTSPlayer(model, power = 50, temperature=0.1);
julia> dataset = Training.record(player, 10)
DataSet{PacoSako} with 1258 elements and 0 features

Loading Models

Models can be used from various sources. If you just want to play with an existing model, you can get it by its name from our artifact storage:

The artifact system is hosted at

# Get the Default model for Ludwig:
model = Ludwig()
# Get a specific version of Ludwig, make it run on the GPU:
model = Ludwig("1.0-human", async=false, backend=:cuda)

If you already have a specific model downloaded, you can load it from a file:

model = Model.load("models/ludwig-1.0.jtm", async=false, backend=:cuda)

Using models

To apply a model to a single game state, use Model.apply:

model = Ludwig()
state = PacoSako()
Model.apply(model, state)

Turn the model into a player:

player = Player.MCTSPlayer(model, power = 3000, temperature=0.01)

Play on the website, color = :white, domain = :dev)

Or to connect to the official server with a username and password, color = :white, domain = :official, username = "ludwig_ai", password = "hunter2")

Errors you may encounter

julia> model = Ludwig("1.0-human", async=false, backend=:cuda)
ERROR: CUDA initialization failed: CUDA error (code 999, CUDA_ERROR_UNKNOWN)

This may happen when you suspend your computer while the CUDA driver is still loaded. To fix this, you must restart your computer.

Working with Python

We have a Python package that can be used to interact with the Rust library. It is there to support some statistical analysis Bas has been doing.

You'll need maturin from the pyo3 ecosystem:

Then you need to got to /python to build the package:

maturin build --release

Afterward, you can install the package with pip:

pip install target/wheels/pacosako-$LOOK_IT_UP.whl

When you are just developing the package, you can use the develop command:

maturin develop --release

Replay Meta Data

It is possible to attach arbitrary json metadata to a replay. This requires you to have access to an AI users api credentials.

Every piece of metadata is associated with a game and an action index. It is also sorted into a category. The category is just an arbitrary string shown in the frontend to group metadata together and to control what is shown.

Of course, the frontend has no way to render arbitrary metadata. So you need to conform to an implemented schema. Here is what we currently support:

  "type": "arrow",
  "tail": 11,
  "head": 27,
  "color": "#ffc80080", // Optional, default #ffc80080
  "width": 20 // Optional, default 10
  // "width" may also be replaced by "weight" which scales arrows proportionally

Additionally, we are also planning to implement

  "type": "value",
  "value": 0.38,
  "impact": -0.09, // Optional
  "best": 0.02, // Optional
  "rank": 3, // Optional
  "rank_of": 10 // Optional


A schematic drawing of the architecture when deployed.

Deployment and Server Management

This application is set up to run using two systemd services, one for the staging environment and one for the production environment. The configuration for these services is available in the /scripts directory.

Systemd Services

The systemd service files are:

  • stage.service: This service runs the staging server.
  • prod.service: This service runs the production server.

These service files should be placed in the /etc/systemd/system/ directory on your server.

To control the services, you can use the following commands:

  • Start the service: sudo systemctl start servicename
  • Stop the service: sudo systemctl stop servicename
  • Enable the service to start on boot: sudo systemctl enable servicename
  • Disable the service from starting on boot: sudo systemctl disable servicename
  • Check the status of the service: sudo systemctl status servicename

Replace servicename with either stage or prod depending on which service you want to control.

Update Scripts

There are two scripts used to update the staging and production servers:

  • This script is used to deploy a new version to the staging server. It first stops the staging service, removes the existing deployment, installs the new deployment, and then restarts the staging service.
  • This script is used to promote the staging version to production. It first stops the production service, backs up the current production server and database, removes the existing deployment, installs the new deployment from staging, and then restarts the production service.

Each server will update its own database schema when it starts up.

Caddy Configuration

The application uses caddy to reverse proxy to the staging system and to the production system. The Caddyfile is available in the /scripts directory. This configuration file should be placed in the /etc/caddy/ directory.

Database Backups

The application automatically creates daily backups of the production SQLite database. These backups are created by a script named which is run as a nightly cron job at 2 AM.

The script performs the following actions:

  1. Creates a backup of the prod.sqlite database located in /home/pacosako/db/.
  2. Compresses the backup using gzip.
  3. Deletes all but the five most recent backups.

The backups are saved in the /home/pacosako/db/daily-backup/ directory, with each backup named as prod-YYYYMMDDHHMM.sqlite.gz, where YYYYMMDDHHMM is the date and time when the backup was created.

Set Up The Backup Cron Job

To set up the backup cron job, run crontab -e and add the following line:

0 2 * * * /home/pacosako/

This will run the script every day at 2 AM.

Papers and other references

This isn't a complete overview, but I wanted a central place to collect the references that I know about.

Auxiliary Policy Targets

Accelerating Self-Play Learning in Go

As another generalizable improvement over AlphaZero, we add an auxiliary policy target that predicts the opponent’s reply on the following turn to improve regularization.