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P-Blog copied to clipboard

P stands for "personal", what else can it be?. ⚡ Own personal blog with custom CMS to implement Next.js and node back-end. And hey! it supports PWA too.


A Personal-Blog so that I follow the trend of those dev/s writing their opinion on a place nobody even care of.

LINK: https://krehwell.com

Project Structure

|- frontend
  |- website/
  |- rest-api/
|- admin
  |- website/
  |- rest-api/
  • frontend/ is the blog.
  • admin/ is the CMS.

.env Structure

every rest-api/ on front-end and admin has an environment variable (.env file) that consist of string for MongoDB config:


Make sure to update MongoDB string URI as well in each rest-api/index.js on front-end and admin:

const mongoString = `mongodb+srv://${process.env.DB_USERNAME}:${process.env.DB_PASSWORD}@coding-blog.rv1qo.mongodb.net/blog?retryWrites=true&w=majority`; // alter following your DB URI


|- frontend
  |- website/
  |- rest-api/


pages/: Routes to all pages.

api/: Directory which defined all function to fetch from server e.g: getAllBlogPost.js. Later on each page which need to access db can just call this function and organized the data gotten in its particular Component. (all function inside api/ is solely for retrieving data from db)

Utils/: Consist a helper for easing the definition of variable. e.g: apiBaseUrl.js is for defining the name of url for the server site either its locally from localhost or from the website url when on production.


index.js: This is a setup where dependecy and config goes (connect db, cors config, etc).

routes/: Directory consists files to access endpoint. (index.js and api.js)

inside routes/index.js consists the definition on the route name e.g:

const api = require("./api.js");

app.get("/posts/get-all-blog-posts", (req, res) => {
    api.getAllBlogPosts((apiResponse) => {

and routes/api.js is where the prosessing for the backend goes like fetching db etc.

module.exports = {
    getAllBlogPosts: (callback) => {
        // fetch db...


This is CMS for making a new, modify, or delete a blog post.

|- admin
  |- website/
  |- rest-api/

np: all pages on admin site use serverside rendering.


The workflow the same as frontend...


The workflow the same as frontend...