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A library for creating complex UpSet plots with ggplot2 geoms

Results 66 complex-upset issues
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**Objective** how to use the complex-upset when the inputs are columns of genes such as Control Treatment1 Treatment2 IL21 CD200 TNFRSF4 SRGN EGR2 SNX9 NFKBID SIAH2 CFLAR IRF4 LIF NR4A1...


**Objective** I would like to add a break in the y-axis of my graph as one bar is >150 while the others are


**Guides over set sizes - align with the plots** Hi! Thank you for a great package! I am plotting three annotations in addition to the intersection matrix and intersection size....


**Objective** I filed this in help-request, but this might be a feature-request! The context is that in a shiny app, the upset plot will fill the entire available space, ![Screenshot...


**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** I would like to visualize a large number of intersections. I sorted them using `sort_intersections_by=c('degree', 'cardinality')`. Now I would like...


Attempt to address and

**Describe the bug** I have big dataset (1.5M rows) and when using `intersection_ratio` annotation, the bars are not plotted, while the ratio text is shown for some intersections. I was...


**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** This is not related to a problem, but a new request related to the `intersect`. Currently, we can now select...


I need the intersections sorted in a particular way. This has worked with less intersections, but when I added more I receive a memory error. However when the intersection order...


Hi, I am trying to produce a graph similar to your example 3.2 (["Fill the bars"](, but also displaying the counts of each colored bar. Some time ago, I managed...
