lua-resty-orm icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
lua-resty-orm copied to clipboard

Simple ORM for openresty


Simple ORM for openresty


This library is not production ready.


##connect to database:

local orm = require'orm'.open{
  driver = 'mysql',
  port = 3306,
  host = '',
  user = 'root',
  password = '123456',
  database = 'test',
  charset = 'utf8mb4',
  expires = 100  -- cache expires time period


Create sql expression which will never be escaped.


This is the query builder, can now build select, update, insert, delete sql.

local sql = orm.create_query():from('table_name'):where('[id] = ?d', 99):one()
-- SELSECT * FROM table_name WHERE `id` = 99 LIMIT 1

#####from(table, alias):

query:from('table') -- SELECT * FROM table
query:from('[table]') -- SELECT * FROM `table`
query:from(another_query:from('user', 'u')) -- SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM user) AS u


query:select('t1, t2, [t3]') -- SELECT t1, t2, `t3` ...

#####where(cond, ...), and_where(cond, ...), or_where(cond, ...):

query:where('id = ?d or [key] like ?s', '10', '"lua-%-orm"') -- WHERE id = 10 or `key` like '\"lua-%-orm\"'
query:where('id in (?t)', 1) -- WHERE id in (1)
query:where('id in (?t)', {1, 2, 'a'}) --WHERE id in (1,2,'a')
-- ?t can be ? if don't know type of param

  • ?t table {1,2,'a'} => 1,2,'a'
  • ?b bool(0, 1), only false or nil will be converted to 0
  • ?e expression: MAX(id) | MIN(id) ...
  • ?d digit number, convert by tonumber
  • ?n NULL, false and nil wil be converted to 'NULL', orther 'NOT NULL'
  • ?s string, escape by ngx.quote_sql_str
  • ? any, convert by guessing the value type

THESE modifiers can be used in where/having/join methods

#####having(cond, ...), and_having(cond, ...), or_having(cond, ...):

just like where

#####join(tbl, cond, ...), left_join, right_join, inner_join:

JOIN tbl ON cond , ... params will be used in cond

#####group_by(...), order_by(...):

Accept multiple group by | order_by expressions

#####limit([offset_num], limit_num):

offset_num is optional ( offset will have its own method in next commit )


Set alias for select type sql.

#####set(key, value), set(hashmap):

Used in the UPDATE tbl SET ... sql.


Used in the INSERT INTO tbl (...) VALUES (...)

#####delete(tbl), update(tbl), insert(tbl):

Set the query type, tbl param is optional, which can also be setted by from method.




Return sql string

#####exec(callback), one(callback), all(callback):

Send query to database, one|all are only for select query.

callback is the handler function called after db return results. It should accept two params (status, result)


define_model accept table name as paramater and cache table fields in lrucache.

This method define a model like this:

local User = orm.define_model('tbl_user')
-- fetch 
local ok, users = User.find_all('id > ?d', 10)
if ok then
  for _, u in ipairs(users) do

local ok, user = User.find_one('id = 10')
if ok then = 'new name'
  local ok, res = user:save()  -- update user

-- update
local attrs = { name = 'name updated' }
User.update_where(attrs, 'id > ?', 10) 
-- delete 
User.delete_where('id = ?', 10) --delete all by condition
user:delete()  -- delete user instance

-- create new 
local attrs = { name = 'new one' }
local user =

local user =
user:load(attrs) -- same as


  • [db] postgresql support
  • [query] offset method
  • [model] event (after_find, before_save & etc)
  • [model] attributes validation