vue-knob-control icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
vue-knob-control copied to clipboard

A rotary knob control for Vue.js


A rotary knob control for Vue.js


npm install vue-knob-control -S


import Vue from 'vue'
import KnobControl from 'vue-knob-control'



Most basic usage:

<knob-control v-model="someValue"></knob-control>

Specifying minimum and maximum values, note that the value arc is drawn from the calculated zero point. We have also made the arc appear thinner:


Changing size and colors:


You can also pass a function to alter the value text displayed:

toWord: function(val) {
    const map = {
        0: 'zero',
        1: 'one',
        2: 'two',
        3: 'three',
        4: 'four',
    return map[val];


Set the component responsive.

Size property is always available, be careful if size is more than 100, size is expressed in % in this mode



Disabled by default

animated true|false
This will disable/enable knob animation but not value one.

animateValue true|false
Same as animation expect for the value.

animationDuration integer, in milliseconds
set the duration of both animation.

animationFunction string
CSS animation function, all CSS animations are available (eg: linear, ease-in, ease-out, ...).


Only animate knob itself

        animated: true

Only animate knob value

        animateValue: true

animated and animateValue can be set at the same time

This animation use CSS linear function during 5 sec

        animated: true,
        animateValue: true,
        animationDuration: '5000',
        animationFunction: 'linear'

animationDuration should be expressed in ms (you can use multiplication if you prefer eg: "5 * 1000")


The only required property is value.

Option Type Description Default
value Number Use the v-model attribute to set the value of the control none
max Number Maximum value of the control 100
min Number Minimum value of the control 0
stepSize Number Smallest increment the value can change by 1
disabled Boolean Set to true to disable the knob false
readOnly Boolean Set to true to disable interaction with the knob while showing its value false
size Number Visual size of the control in px (or % if responsive is true) 100
primaryColor String Color of the value arc #409eff
secondaryColor String Color of the rest of the control #dcdfe6
textColor String Color of the value text #000000
strokeWidth Number Thickness of the arcs 17
valueDisplayFunction Function Custom function to alter the display text (v) => v
responsive Boolean Use % instead of px false
animation Object Optional animation config object: { animated: false, animateValue: false, animationDuration: 2000 (in ms), animationFunction: 'ease-in-out' } null