kafka-prometheus-exporter copied to clipboard
Simple Prometheus exporter to export Metrics around Offsets & Consumergroup. Currently it exports three types of Metrrics:
Current Offset at the Broker by Topic/Partion -
Oldest Offset still current in topic -
Number of replicas which are inSync with the Topic/Partition leader. -
Bool if all replicas are inSync by topic/partition.
If you use old consumer (which store their offset in zookeeper), these two Metrics about consumergroups and their offset are also aviable:
Current offset of every consumergroup by Topic/Partition -
Approximate Lag of every consumergroup by Topic/Partition. Please note the Lag is not 100% Correct.
- Ensure Dependecies with
dep ensure
- Build go binary
go build -o kafka_exporter main/cmd.go
Build the Sourcecode and start the binary with the correct command line options.
Example Output:
# HELP kafka_broker_current_offset Current Offset of a Broker at Topic/Partition
# TYPE kafka_broker_current_offset gauge
kafka_broker_current_offset{cluster="kafkaCluster",partition="0",topic="test"} 721271
kafka_broker_current_offset{cluster="kafkaCluster",partition="0",topic="test-verf"} 704461
# HELP kafka_consumergroup_current_offset Current Offset of a ConsumerGroup at Topic/Partition
# TYPE kafka_consumergroup_current_offset gauge
kafka_consumergroup_current_offset{cluster="kafkaCluster",consumergroup="console-consumer-13363",partition="0",topic="test"} 720453
kafka_consumergroup_current_offset{cluster="kafkaCluster",consumergroup="console-consumer-2265",partition="0",topic="test"} 16
kafka_consumergroup_current_offset{cluster="kafkaCluster",consumergroup="console-consumer-45639",partition="0",topic="test-verf"} 704461
kafka_consumergroup_current_offset{cluster="kafkaCluster",consumergroup="console-consumer-58950",partition="0",topic="test"} 380475
# HELP kafka_consumergroup_lag Current Approximate Lag of a ConsumerGroup at Topic/Partition
# TYPE kafka_consumergroup_lag gauge
kafka_consumergroup_lag{cluster="kafkaCluster",consumergroup="console-consumer-13363",partition="0",topic="test"} 818
kafka_consumergroup_lag{cluster="kafkaCluster",consumergroup="console-consumer-2265",partition="0",topic="test"} 721255
kafka_consumergroup_lag{cluster="kafkaCluster",consumergroup="console-consumer-45639",partition="0",topic="test-verf"} 0
kafka_consumergroup_lag{cluster="kafkaCluster",consumergroup="console-consumer-58950",partition="0",topic="test"} 340796
Command line Options:
Argument | Description | Default |
listen-address |
The address on which to expose the web interface and generated Prometheus metrics. | :8080 |
telemetry-path |
Path under which to expose metrics. | /metrics |
zookeeper-connect |
Zookeeper connection string | localhost:2181 |
cluster-name |
Name of the Kafka cluster used in static label | kafka-cluster |
refresh-interval |
Seconds to sleep in between refreshes | 15 |