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A Kafka Operator for Kubernetes
It should be possible to add an ImagePullSecret and the possibility to pull from different repos.
Currently there is a quite some ugly bash code hacking in the kafka image to set advertised listener and broker id correctly. ``` Command: []string{"/bin/bash", "-c", fmt.Sprintf("export KAFKA_ADVERTISED_LISTENERS=PLAINTEXT://$(hostname).%s.$(NAMESPACE).svc.cluster.local:9092; \n"+ "set...
Depends on #11 - [x] Informer for TPR KafkaCluster - [ ] Informer for STS
To make better usage of k8s scheduling concepts we should look build in anti affinity to the zookeeper nodes and potential other kafka clusters. Also take a look if it...
Since Kafka is highly sensitive to Network IO/Bandwidth a high priority would be to ensure it has the required resources. Currently is possible to set bandwidth limitations on a pod...