kafka-operator copied to clipboard
storageClass spec value is ignored
The value for the storageClass
spec option is completely ignored, and instead the operator produces PVCs with a 'standard' storage class.
kind: Kafkacluster
apiVersion: krallistic.github.com/v1
name: kafka
brokerCount: 3
zookeeperConnect: zookeeper.default.svc.cluster.local
storageClass: slow
I'm suspecting this patch will fix that, but I cannot even get dep ensure
to work, and removing the constraints leads to build failures.
diff --git a/util/util.go b/util/util.go
--- a/util/util.go
+++ b/util/util.go
@@ -391,7 +391,7 @@ func (c *ClientUtil) createStsFromSpec(cluster spec.Kafkacluster) *appsv1Beta1.S
replicas := cluster.Spec.BrokerCount
image := cluster.Spec.Image
- storageClass := "standard"
+ storageClass := cluster.Spec.StorageClass
//TODO error handling, default value?
cpus, err := resource.ParseQuantity(cluster.Spec.Resources.CPU)
Thanks for the patch.
Unfortunately, I am currently on Vacation and have only Internet through my phone (which makes it impossible to do dep ensure
(That would blow up my limit :) ). I will look into the dep problems next week when iam back.
any update? Maybe you can merge this change