kafka-operator copied to clipboard
Limiting operation to a single namespace
https://github.com/krallistic/kafka-operator/blob/master/controller/crd.go#L97 specifically checks all namespaces for CRD instances. In my case I rather have the operator only look-at/touch a single namespace.
Do you have Problems with the Operator listening to all Namespace or/and with the global creation of a CRD?
For the CustomResource Objects: Would a flag --namespace=$NS
which makes the Operator only listen to that specific namespace. I will change that quickly.
For the CustomResourceDefinition: I am not sure if it possible to create CRD (the definitions, not the objects in a specific NS)
The problem is with the operator itself. I'm using namespaces to isolate development environments against each other, and each of these environments can potentially run a different operator (or none at all).
For the CustomResource Objects: Would a flag --namespace=$NS which makes the Operator only listen to that specific namespace. I will change that quickly.
Yes, that would solve the problem! Thanks!