ustring copied to clipboard
UnicodeString for PHP7
Provides a simple interface to work with Unicode strings in PHP7.
* @property int $length The number of unicode code points (read-only)
class UString implements Traversable {
* Shall create a UString with the given value and codepage.
* If no codepage is provided, the default codepage will be used.
* The default codepage is set to UTF-8 by default
* @see UString::setDefaultCodepage
* @see UString::getDefaultCodepage
public function __construct([string $string [, string $codepage] ]);
* Shall return a new UString whose characters are converted to upper case
public function toUpper(): UString;
* Shall return a new UString whose characters are converted to lower case
public function toLower(): UString;
* Shall return a new UString whose characters have been reversed
public function reverse(): UString;
* Shall return a new UString with the leading and trailing space removed
public function trim(): UString;
* Shall return a new UString with every occurence of $search having been replaced with $replace
public function replace(UString $search, UString $replace): UString;
* Shall return a new UString with the substring starting at $start and having length $length replaced by $text.
public function replaceSlice(UString $text, int $start, int $length): UString;
* Shall return positively if this contains $text
public function contains(UString $text): bool;
* Shall return positively if this starts with $needle
public function startsWith(UString $needle): bool;
* Shall return positively if this ends with $needle
public function endsWith(UString $needle): bool;
* Shall return the index of the first occurence of $needle, with the search starting at $offset
* @return mixed
public function indexOf(UString $needle, int $offset = 0);
* Shall return the index of the last occurence of $needle, with the search starting at $offset
* @return mixed
public function lastIndexOf(UString $needle, int $offset = 0);
* Shall return an array of UString containing chunks of this, each with a maximum length of $length
* @return UString[]
public function chunk(int $length): array;
* Shall return a new UString with the contents of this repeated $count times
public function repeat(int $count): UString;
* Shall return a new UString padded to a given length with the pad character
public function pad(int $length, UString $pad = ' ', int $mode = STR_PAD_RIGHT): UString;
* Shall split a UString by the delimeter up to the limit, if specified, returning an array of UStrings
* @return UString[]
public function split(UString $delimiter, int $limit = NULL): array;
* Shall return a new UString containing the single code point at the given index
public function charAt(int $index): UString;
* Shall return a new UString containing a substring of this, starting at $start with a maximum length of $length
* If $length is not provided shall use UnicodeString::length() - $start to determine the length of the substring to return
public function substring(int $start, int $length): UString;
* Shall return the codepage of this
public function getCodepage(): string;
* Shall return the default codepage
public static function getDefaultCodepage(): string;
* Shall set the default codepage
* @return void
public static function setDefaultCodepage(string $codepage);
* A convenience shortcut for UString constructor is registered by the extension
function u(string $value [, string $codepage]): UString;
This API is derived, in part, from work done by Nikita Popov, which can be found here:
Note: UString is interchangable with zend strings for method parameters and can be cast for output/conversion to zend strings
This extension requires PHP7 and ICU (with headers)