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Opencensus adapter. Exports KrakenD metrics and traces to InfluxDB, Prometheus, Zipkin, Jaeger, Xray, StackDriver, Datadog and Logger

Results 10 krakend-opencensus issues
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under the following dependencies: opencensus 2.1.0 -> jaeger 0.2.1 -> jaeger-client-go-2.28 can you please assist? thanks!

Hi, We currently use KrakenD in production and we like it. We are trying to export metrics to Prometheus and visualize them on grafana. It seems Prometheus exporter doesn't export...

I have a krakend-ce (2.0.2) container running in gke (1.22.8-gke.202) and tried to enable tracing to stackdriver for this instance. In order to do that I added the stackdriver configuration...

Hi, we have a problem with Prometheus exporter in the simple KrakenD configuration present in [test.txt]( (which is a JSON file). In this configuration we have two endpoints (/users and...

I need to provide trace as well as logs with some custom tags. It needs to correlate traces with logs. It's already done in datadog exporters. Is it possible to...

Hello, we are encountering a panic when using the krakend-opencensus middleware in krakend-ce v1.4.1. The panic is reproducable for some requests in one of our environments while not in all...

Add support for Newrelic via opencensus

Hey, would it be possible to support the GRPC Exporter for Jager? Here's a link to the [config]( I'm not sure if this works in here? I find the opencensus...

... so a context can be passed to the exporter
