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KrakenD Community Edition: High-performance, stateless, declarative, API Gateway written in Go.

Results 87 krakend-ce issues
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**Environment info:** * KrakenD version: 2.0.5 * System info: docker * Backend technology: Go **Describe the bug** plugin/req-resp-modifier in an endpoint is not called if one of the backend CEL...

Hi there, is there any plan to support GraphQL schema federation (multiple graphQL endpoints exposed as a single /graphql) and including subscriptions as a managed type? Thank you

**Environment info:** * KrakenD version: 2.0.5 * System info: package manager * Hardware specs: N/A * Backend technology: N/A * Additional environment information: **Describe what are you trying to do**:...


Tried Some thing like below as specified in Failing with error - /:assumeRole/account][CEL] Rejecter #0 failed: no such attribute: id: 1, names: [req_params] ` .... "endpoint": "/{assumeRole}/account", "input_headers":[ "*"...

@kpacha @alombarte The use case that I am looking is there are 2 end points A and B sequentially, in which B requires a specific Header sent from the endpoint,...


Hi! I have some questions about http-client-plugin implementation. I’d like to redirect to login page, when get 401 status from auth/validator Similar issue: [Issue #483]( **Environment info:** * KrakenD version:...


Is there anyone can help me to build one endpoint with below scenario? backend A -----> backend B(rely on the result from A) -----> backend D(rely on the result from...

**Environment info:** _devopsfaith/krakend:2.0.4_ successfully deployed with flexible configuration. **Describe what are you trying to do**: I have distributed tracing for http requests configured with Elastic APM server (and EFK stack)....


is there any mechanism just like 'nginx -s reload'? the configuration file may be modified frequently,i want my backend service is available when i reload the configuration


**Describe the bug** When installing krakend-integration using below command `go install[email protected] ` I get following error ``` go install:[email protected]:[email protected]: invalid version: module contains a go.mod file, so...