dsda-doom copied to clipboard
Automap aliasing (?) issue
I would hop on discord and ask the question there, but I don't have a discord account but I do have a github account, so here goes nothing (even if it will ultimately be a waste of time because of something in my config or what have you):
Necessary details:
Command line parameter using dsda-doom-0.27.5
"./dsda-doom.exe" -iwad "DOOM2.WAD" -file "10X10.wad"
System Summary
Operating System
Windows 10 Pro 64-bit
Intel Core i5 6300U @ 2.40GHz 40 °C
Skylake-U/Y 14nm Technology
8.00GB Dual-Channel DDR3 (14-17-17-40)
Microsoft Corporation Surface Book (U3E1)
VVX14P048M00 (3000x2000@60Hz)
Intel HD Graphics 520 (Microsoft)
119GB SAMSUNG MZFLV128HCGR-000MV (Unknown (SSD))
Realtek High Definition Audio(SST)
# Doom config file
# Format:
# variable value
# System settings
process_priority 0
# Misc settings
vanilla_keymap 0
menu_background 1
max_player_corpse 32
flashing_hom 0
demo_smoothturns 0
demo_smoothturnsfactor 6
screenshot_dir ""
startup_delay_ms 0
ansi_endoom 0
announce_map 0
# Game settings
default_compatibility_level 21
default_skill 4
weapon_attack_alignment 0
sts_always_red 1
sts_pct_always_gray 0
sts_traditional_keys 0
show_messages 1
autorun 1
deh_apply_cheats 1
movement_strafe50 0
movement_strafe50onturns 0
movement_shorttics 0
# Sound settings
pitched_sounds 0
full_sounds 0
snd_samplerate 44100
snd_samplecount 0
sfx_volume 8
music_volume 8
mus_pause_opt 1
snd_channels 32
snd_midiplayer "fluidsynth"
snd_mididev ""
snd_soundfont ""
mus_fluidsynth_chorus 0
mus_fluidsynth_reverb 0
mus_fluidsynth_gain 50
mus_fluidsynth_chorus_depth 500
mus_fluidsynth_chorus_level 35
mus_fluidsynth_reverb_damp 40
mus_fluidsynth_reverb_level 15
mus_fluidsynth_reverb_width 400
mus_fluidsynth_reverb_room_size 60
mus_opl_gain 50
mus_opl_opl3mode 1
mus_portmidi_reset_type "gm"
mus_portmidi_reset_delay 0
mus_portmidi_filter_sysex 1
mus_portmidi_reverb_level -1
mus_portmidi_chorus_level -1
# Video settings
videomode "Software"
screen_resolution "3000x2000"
custom_resolution ""
use_fullscreen 1
exclusive_fullscreen 0
render_vsync 0
uncapped_framerate 1
boom_translucent_sprites 1
screenblocks 10
usegamma 0
dsda_fps_limit 0
sdl_video_window_pos "center"
palette_ondamage 1
palette_onbonus 1
palette_onpowers 1
render_wipescreen 1
render_screen_multiply 1
integer_scaling 0
render_aspect 3
render_doom_lightmaps 0
fake_contrast_mode 1
render_stretch_hud 1
render_patches_scalex 0
render_patches_scaley 0
render_stretchsky 1
allow_freelook 0
# OpenGL settings
gl_render_multisampling 0
gl_render_fov 90
gl_skymode 0
gl_health_bar 0
gl_usevbo 1
gl_fade_mode 0
# Mouse settings
use_mouse 1
mouse_stutter_correction 1
mouse_sensitivity_horiz 15
dsda_fine_sensitivity 0
mouse_sensitivity_vert 1
dsda_mouse_acceleration 0
mouse_sensitivity_mlook 10
mouse_doubleclick_as_use 0
mouse_carrytics 1
movement_vertmouse 0
movement_mousestrafedivisor 4
movement_mouseinvert 0
# Game controller settings
use_game_controller 0
left_analog_deadzone 6556
right_analog_deadzone 6556
left_trigger_deadzone 6556
right_trigger_deadzone 6556
left_analog_sensitivity_x 100
left_analog_sensitivity_y 100
right_analog_sensitivity_x 1536
right_analog_sensitivity_y 768
analog_look_acceleration 0
swap_analogs 0
invert_analog_look 0
# Automap settings
mapcolor_back 247
mapcolor_grid 104
mapcolor_wall 23
mapcolor_fchg 55
mapcolor_cchg 215
mapcolor_clsd 208
mapcolor_rkey 175
mapcolor_bkey 204
mapcolor_ykey 231
mapcolor_rdor 175
mapcolor_bdor 204
mapcolor_ydor 231
mapcolor_tele 119
mapcolor_secr 252
mapcolor_revsecr 112
mapcolor_exit 0
mapcolor_unsn 104
mapcolor_flat 88
mapcolor_sprt 112
mapcolor_item 231
mapcolor_hair 208
mapcolor_sngl 208
mapcolor_me 112
mapcolor_enemy 177
mapcolor_frnd 112
map_blinking_locks 1
map_secret_after 0
map_coordinates 1
map_totals 1
map_time 1
map_title 1
automap_overlay 0
automap_rotate 1
automap_follow 1
automap_grid 0
map_grid_size 128
map_scroll_speed 32
map_wheel_zoom 1
map_use_multisampling 0
map_textured 0
map_textured_trans 100
map_textured_overlay_trans 66
map_lines_overlay_trans 100
map_things_appearance 2
# Heads-up display settings
hud_health_red 25
hud_health_yellow 50
hud_health_green 100
hud_ammo_red 25
hud_ammo_yellow 50
hud_displayed 0
hudadd_secretarea 1
hudadd_demoprogressbar 1
hudadd_crosshair 5
hudadd_crosshair_scale 0
hudadd_crosshair_color 3
hudadd_crosshair_health 1
hudadd_crosshair_target 1
hudadd_crosshair_target_color 9
hudadd_crosshair_lock_target 0
# DSDA-Doom settings
dsda_strict_mode 1
dsda_cycle_ghost_colors 0
dsda_auto_key_frame_interval 1
dsda_auto_key_frame_depth 60
dsda_auto_key_frame_timeout 10
dsda_exhud 0
ex_text_scale_x 0
ex_text_ratio_y 0
dsda_free_text ""
dsda_wipe_at_full_speed 1
dsda_show_demo_attempts 1
dsda_hide_horns 0
dsda_hide_weapon 0
dsda_organized_saves 1
dsda_command_display 0
dsda_command_history_size 10
dsda_hide_empty_commands 1
dsda_coordinate_display 0
dsda_show_fps 0
dsda_show_minimap 0
dsda_show_level_splits 1
dsda_skip_quit_prompt 0
dsda_show_split_data 1
dsda_player_name "Anonymous"
dsda_quickstart_cache_tics 0
dsda_death_use_action 0
dsda_mute_sfx 0
dsda_mute_music 0
dsda_cheat_codes 1
dsda_allow_jumping 0
dsda_parallel_sfx_limit 0
dsda_parallel_sfx_window 1
dsda_movement_toggle_sfx 0
dsda_switch_when_ammo_runs_out 1
dsda_viewbob 1
dsda_weaponbob 1
dsda_quake_intensity 100
dsda_organize_failed_demos 0
# Scripts
dsda_script_0 ""
dsda_script_1 ""
dsda_script_2 ""
dsda_script_3 ""
dsda_script_4 ""
dsda_script_5 ""
dsda_script_6 ""
dsda_script_7 ""
dsda_script_8 ""
dsda_script_9 ""
# Video capture encoding settings
cap_soundcommand "ffmpeg -f s16le -ar %s -ac 2 -i - -c:a libopus -y temp_a.nut"
cap_videocommand "ffmpeg -f rawvideo -pix_fmt rgb24 -r %r -s %wx%h -i - -c:v libx264 -y temp_v.nut"
cap_muxcommand "ffmpeg -i temp_v.nut -i temp_a.nut -c copy -y %f"
cap_tempfile1 "temp_a.nut"
cap_tempfile2 "temp_v.nut"
cap_remove_tempfiles 1
cap_wipescreen 0
cap_fps 60
# Overrun settings
overrun_spechit_warn 0
overrun_spechit_emulate 1
overrun_reject_warn 0
overrun_reject_emulate 1
overrun_intercept_warn 0
overrun_intercept_emulate 1
overrun_playeringame_warn 0
overrun_playeringame_emulate 1
overrun_donut_warn 0
overrun_donut_emulate 0
overrun_missedbackside_warn 0
overrun_missedbackside_emulate 0
# Mapping error compatibility settings
comperr_passuse 0
comperr_hangsolid 0
comperr_blockmap 0
comperr_freeaim 0
# Weapon preferences
weapon_choice_1 6
weapon_choice_2 9
weapon_choice_3 4
weapon_choice_4 3
weapon_choice_5 2
weapon_choice_6 8
weapon_choice_7 5
weapon_choice_8 7
weapon_choice_9 1
# Input settings
input_profile 0
input_forward 119 2 -1 | 119 2 -1 | 119 2 -1
input_backward 115 -1 -1 | 115 -1 -1 | 115 -1 -1
input_turnleft 172 -1 -1 | 101 -1 -1 | 101 -1 -1
input_turnright 113,174 -1 -1 | 113 -1 -1 | 113 -1 -1
input_speed 182 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1
input_strafeleft 97 -1 -1 | 97 -1 -1 | 97 -1 -1
input_straferight 100 -1 -1 | 100 -1 -1 | 100 -1 -1
input_strafe 0 1 9 | 0 1 9 | 0 1 9
input_autorun 186 -1 7 | 186 -1 7 | 186 -1 7
input_reverse 47 -1 8 | 47 -1 8 | 47 -1 8
input_use 101 -1 -1 | 32 -1 0 | 32 -1 0
input_flyup 46 -1 11 | 46 -1 11 | 46 -1 11
input_flydown 44 -1 12 | 44 -1 12 | 44 -1 12
input_flycenter 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1
input_mlook 92 -1 -1 | 92 -1 -1 | 92 -1 -1
input_novert 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1
input_weapon1 49 -1 -1 | 49 -1 -1 | 49 -1 -1
input_weapon2 50 -1 -1 | 50 -1 -1 | 50 -1 -1
input_weapon3 51 -1 -1 | 51 -1 -1 | 51 -1 -1
input_weapon4 52 -1 -1 | 52 -1 -1 | 52 -1 -1
input_weapon5 53 -1 -1 | 53 -1 -1 | 53 -1 -1
input_weapon6 54 -1 -1 | 54 -1 -1 | 54 -1 -1
input_weapon7 55 -1 -1 | 55 -1 -1 | 55 -1 -1
input_weapon8 56 -1 -1 | 56 -1 -1 | 56 -1 -1
input_weapon9 57 -1 -1 | 57 -1 -1 | 57 -1 -1
input_nextweapon 0 -1 3 | 0 -1 3 | 0 -1 3
input_prevweapon 0 -1 2 | 0 -1 2 | 0 -1 2
input_toggleweapon 48 -1 -1 | 48 -1 -1 | 48 -1 -1
input_fire 32 -1 -1 | 157 0 22 | 157 0 22
input_pause 255 -1 -1 | 255 -1 -1 | 255 -1 -1
input_map 9 -1 21 | 9 -1 21 | 9 -1 21
input_soundvolume 190 -1 -1 | 190 -1 -1 | 190 -1 -1
input_hud 191 -1 -1 | 191 -1 -1 | 191 -1 -1
input_messages 194 -1 -1 | 194 -1 -1 | 194 -1 -1
input_gamma 215 -1 -1 | 215 -1 -1 | 215 -1 -1
input_spy 216 -1 -1 | 216 -1 -1 | 216 -1 -1
input_zoomin 61 -1 -1 | 61 -1 -1 | 61 -1 -1
input_zoomout 45 -1 -1 | 45 -1 -1 | 45 -1 -1
input_screenshot 42 -1 -1 | 42 -1 -1 | 42 -1 -1
input_savegame 188 -1 -1 | 188 -1 -1 | 188 -1 -1
input_loadgame 189 -1 -1 | 189 -1 -1 | 189 -1 -1
input_quicksave 192 -1 -1 | 192 -1 -1 | 192 -1 -1
input_quickload 195 -1 -1 | 195 -1 -1 | 195 -1 -1
input_endgame 193 -1 -1 | 193 -1 -1 | 193 -1 -1
input_quit 196 -1 -1 | 196 -1 -1 | 196 -1 -1
input_map_follow 102 -1 -1 | 102 -1 -1 | 102 -1 -1
input_map_zoomin 61 -1 -1 | 61 -1 -1 | 61 -1 -1
input_map_zoomout 45 -1 -1 | 45 -1 -1 | 45 -1 -1
input_map_up 173 -1 -1 | 173 -1 -1 | 173 -1 -1
input_map_down 175 -1 -1 | 175 -1 -1 | 175 -1 -1
input_map_left 172 -1 -1 | 172 -1 -1 | 172 -1 -1
input_map_right 174 -1 -1 | 174 -1 -1 | 174 -1 -1
input_map_mark 109 -1 -1 | 109 -1 -1 | 109 -1 -1
input_map_clear 99 -1 -1 | 99 -1 -1 | 99 -1 -1
input_map_gobig 48 -1 -1 | 48 -1 -1 | 48 -1 -1
input_map_grid 103 -1 -1 | 103 -1 -1 | 103 -1 -1
input_map_rotate 114 -1 -1 | 114 -1 -1 | 114 -1 -1
input_map_overlay 111 -1 -1 | 111 -1 -1 | 111 -1 -1
input_map_textured 116 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1
input_repeat_message 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1
input_speed_up 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1
input_speed_down 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1
input_speed_default 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1
input_demo_skip 0 -1 -1 | 210 -1 -1 | 210 -1 -1
input_demo_endlevel 0 -1 -1 | 207 -1 -1 | 207 -1 -1
input_walkcamera 304 -1 -1 | 304 -1 -1 | 304 -1 -1
input_join_demo 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1
input_restart 199 -1 -1 | 199 -1 -1 | 199 -1 -1
input_nextlevel 209 -1 -1 | 209 -1 -1 | 209 -1 -1
input_showalive 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1
input_menu_down 175 -1 12 | 175 -1 12 | 175 -1 12
input_menu_up 173 -1 11 | 173 -1 11 | 173 -1 11
input_menu_left 172 -1 13 | 172 -1 13 | 172 -1 13
input_menu_right 174 -1 14 | 174 -1 14 | 174 -1 14
input_menu_backspace 127 -1 1 | 127 -1 1 | 127 -1 1
input_menu_enter 13 -1 0 | 13 -1 0 | 13 -1 0
input_menu_escape 27 -1 6 | 27 -1 6 | 27 -1 6
input_menu_clear 200 -1 4 | 200 -1 4 | 200 -1 4
input_iddqd 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1
input_idkfa 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1
input_idfa 106 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1
input_idclip 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1
input_idbeholdh 107 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1
input_idbeholdm 108 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1
input_idbeholdv 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1
input_idbeholds 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1
input_idbeholdi 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1
input_idbeholdr 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1
input_idbeholda 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1
input_idbeholdl 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1
input_idmypos 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1
input_idrate 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1
input_iddt 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1
input_ponce 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1
input_shazam 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1
input_chicken 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1
input_lookup 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1
input_lookdown 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1
input_lookcenter 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1
input_use_artifact 0 -1 10 | 182 -1 10 | 182 -1 10
input_arti_tome 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1
input_arti_quartz 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1
input_arti_urn 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1
input_arti_bomb 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1
input_arti_ring 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1
input_arti_chaosdevice 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1
input_arti_shadowsphere 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1
input_arti_wings 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1
input_arti_torch 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1
input_arti_morph 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1
input_invleft 236 -1 13 | 236 -1 13 | 236 -1 13
input_invright 235 -1 14 | 235 -1 14 | 235 -1 14
input_store_quick_key_frame 59 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1
input_restore_quick_key_frame 39 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1
input_rewind 207 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1
input_cycle_profile 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1
input_cycle_palette 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1
input_command_display 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1
input_strict_mode 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1
input_console 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1
input_coordinate_display 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1
input_fps 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1
input_avj 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1
input_exhud 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1
input_mute_sfx 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1
input_mute_music 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1
input_cheat_codes 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1
input_notarget 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1
input_freeze 112 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1
input_build 210 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1
input_build_advance_frame 174 -1 -1 | 174 -1 -1 | 174 -1 -1
input_build_reverse_frame 172 -1 -1 | 172 -1 -1 | 172 -1 -1
input_build_reset_command 200 -1 -1 | 200 -1 -1 | 200 -1 -1
input_build_source 182 -1 -1 | 182 -1 -1 | 182 -1 -1
input_build_forward 119 -1 -1 | 119 -1 -1 | 119 -1 -1
input_build_backward 115 -1 -1 | 115 -1 -1 | 115 -1 -1
input_build_fine_forward 116 -1 -1 | 116 -1 -1 | 116 -1 -1
input_build_fine_backward 103 -1 -1 | 103 -1 -1 | 103 -1 -1
input_build_turn_left 113 -1 -1 | 113 -1 -1 | 113 -1 -1
input_build_turn_right 101 -1 -1 | 101 -1 -1 | 101 -1 -1
input_build_strafe_left 97 -1 -1 | 97 -1 -1 | 97 -1 -1
input_build_strafe_right 100 -1 -1 | 100 -1 -1 | 100 -1 -1
input_build_fine_strafe_left 102 -1 -1 | 102 -1 -1 | 102 -1 -1
input_build_fine_strafe_right 104 -1 -1 | 104 -1 -1 | 104 -1 -1
input_build_use 32 -1 -1 | 32 -1 -1 | 32 -1 -1
input_build_fire 157 -1 -1 | 157 -1 -1 | 157 -1 -1
input_build_weapon1 49 -1 -1 | 49 -1 -1 | 49 -1 -1
input_build_weapon2 50 -1 -1 | 50 -1 -1 | 50 -1 -1
input_build_weapon3 51 -1 -1 | 51 -1 -1 | 51 -1 -1
input_build_weapon4 52 -1 -1 | 52 -1 -1 | 52 -1 -1
input_build_weapon5 53 -1 -1 | 53 -1 -1 | 53 -1 -1
input_build_weapon6 54 -1 -1 | 54 -1 -1 | 54 -1 -1
input_build_weapon7 55 -1 -1 | 55 -1 -1 | 55 -1 -1
input_build_weapon8 56 -1 -1 | 56 -1 -1 | 56 -1 -1
input_build_weapon9 57 -1 -1 | 57 -1 -1 | 57 -1 -1
input_jump 184 -1 1 | 184 -1 1 | 184 -1 1
input_hexen_arti_incant 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1
input_hexen_arti_summon 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1
input_hexen_arti_disk 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1
input_hexen_arti_flechette 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1
input_hexen_arti_banishment 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1
input_hexen_arti_boots 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1
input_hexen_arti_krater 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1
input_hexen_arti_bracers 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1
input_script_0 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1
input_script_1 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1
input_script_2 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1
input_script_3 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1
input_script_4 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1
input_script_5 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1
input_script_6 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1
input_script_7 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1
input_script_8 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1
input_script_9 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1
Onto the issue: My automap looks like this, which makes it borderline unusable. No, this is not a screenshot artifact, it looks like this no matter the zoom level.
Even rotating the map (yuck) does this, but it becomes somewhat more usable:
I think making the lines a pixel or two wider would solve this issue on my end, but I can't find the relevant configuration parameters (if such a thing exists). The artifacting / aliasing issue exists no matter the resolution (3000x2000 is my native resolution though). I thought I'd check a tangentially related source port PrBoomPlus to see if the issue exists there also, and it does not. Really no other video-related or other issues present, the application runs absolutely fine otherwise and I am shocked at the performance of my ancient Surface Book. The issue is also not present on my desktop system, so I'm afraid it might be something about my laptop.
I have tried:
- Different video modes
- Different resolutions
- Fullscreen or windowed
- Deleting my dsda-doom.cfg
- Trying out a fresh install
- Playing a different pwad entirely
If this is a case of PEBKAC feel free to close the issue and I apologize for wasting everyone's time, although I hope the person who read this learned a useful acronym at least. If this is a legitimate issue, I would appreciate any advice to remedy the situation. I have already written half a novel where a picture would have probably sufficed, so if any more details are needed I'd be happy to provide them.
Thank you for your time.